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Ilmu Sosbud

Is Pancasila still relevant as the ideology of the Indonesian state and nation?

10 September 2022   11:32 Diperbarui: 10 September 2022   11:36 255
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Before we know more about Pancasila, it is better that we first know what ideology is. According to etymology, ideology is a science that includes the study of the origin and nature of ideas or ideas. The word ideology was first introduced by Destutt de Tracy in 1796, he was a French philosopher. Ideology (in French) combines two words, namely ido which means idea and logi (logos) which means logic. Ideology is closely related to society and a country. There are many types of ideology in the world, for example, the ideology of capitalism, liberalism, socialism, communism, democracy, and others.

Now we already know what ideology is and its types, and now we will discuss about what is Pancasila, Pancasila which comes from the word panca which means five and the word sila which means principle or principle. Formulated by three major figures in Indonesia, namely Mohammad Yamin, Dr. Soepomo, and Ir. Soekarno through a long process accompanied by debate and deliberation. Through the speech of Ir. Soekarno, June 1, 1945 which was the forerunner of the birth of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state and was ratified on August 18, 1945.

Continue to the next discussion, what we know is that Pancasila is the basis of our country, like the Al-Quran which is the guide to the life of human beings who are Muslim. Pancasila is used as a guide to the life of the nation and state in our beloved Indonesia, Pancasila is also a source of law that constitutionally regulates the Republic of Indonesia along with all its elements, namely the people, the region, and the government. According to the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila is considered a source of state administration and also in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution there are values contained in Pancasila in the 4th paragraph, namely Divine Values, Human Values, Unity Values, People's Values, and Justice Values.

Those are all values that become the benchmark in the behavior of the nation and state.

Is Pancasila still relevant as the ideology of the state and nation of Indonesia?

To answer this question, we must know what the contents of this Pancasila are

 1. God Almighty. The point is the guarantee from the state to its citizens to carry out their belief in God in accordance with the teachings they choose and the state also facilitates it through one of the ministries and other government institutions, especially for religions recognized by the state.

2. Just and civilized humanity. The point is how to humanize humans, how to avoid the oppression and/or exploitation of humans by humans.

3. Indonesian Union. no need for a long explanation, for a country consisting of hundreds of tribes, various religions and beliefs, this third precept is the glue that is still very much needed. Without unity, this country will disband due to civil war and/or horizontal conflict. So it is definitely still very relevant, if we still want this country to be sustainable.

4. Democracy led by wisdom in deliberation/representation. Yes, it's definitely very relevant. More than 250 million Indonesians, how could all of them be brought to Senayan to discuss this country. Even countries with a much smaller population than Indonesia also implement a representative (parliamentary) system.

5. Social justice for all Indonesian people. This is the ultimate ideal of the founders of this country, which unfortunately is still far from reality. But precisely because of that, I think this is still very relevant today to always remind us of what the ideals of the founding of this country were. Maybe we don't know how long this fifth precept will be realized, but at least with this precept, we will still be able to remember that we still have a social debt to the founders of this nation and the fighters who sacrificed themselves to liberate this nation.

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