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Muhammad Lufpi Firdaus
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Analysis Cooperation Between the Ministry of Defense and SAAB Sweden in Development of Defense on the Theory of National Interest

24 Januari 2024   02:01 Diperbarui: 24 Januari 2024   02:08 47
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Sumber : Handoko,2016

Currently, the development of the world is very quickly progressing. We can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears how impressive the technological advances taken from the ever-growing knowledge are. The same is true in the progress of national defense. In the field of defense, all countries strive to improve their own defense from various dangers both from within the country and from abroad even though now the world has achieved peace. But it cannot be denied that there are still some unfinished conflicts between existing countries. Therefore, many countries try to cooperate with other countries in order to advance their defense and security to protect their people from the dangers that exist.

Indonesia, an archipelago, is keen to maintain its sovereignty and security. This makes Indonesia need a superior defense system and reliable security. To improve this, more budget is needed to maintain the sovereignty and security of the country. One of Indonesia's strategies to improve the country's defense and security is to establish defense cooperation with other countries. As done by Indonesia which cooperates with Svenka Aerolan AB (SAAB) which is a Royal Swedish technology company that works in the fields of defense, aviation and aerospace. In this collaboration, one of the Swedish-made aircraft named JAS Gripen 39 made Indonesia interested and Sweden was willing to offer the aircraft to Indonesia. This aircraft is expected to be one of the improvements in the defense and security of the Indonesian state to protect its entire territory from the air.

We can actually see this cooperation through the theory of national interest. According to the national interest theory of international relations, states act on the basis of their own interests, which means that it is one of the minimal requirements for the survival of the state and its people. These interests include independence, self-preservation, territorial integrity, military security, and economic well-being. This can be seen where Indonesia is trying to achieve its goal of strengthening its defense and security. Indonesia's cooperation with Sweden can be useful for advancing Indonesia's national interests, namely military improvement and territorial integrity. In addition, this cooperation can also provide welfare for Indonesia because it can provide opportunities for technology transfer and joint production of defense equipment. With this cooperation, it is also to provide strength to Indonesia to be independent in defending the sovereignty of its country and reduce the attitude of dependence on foreign defense equipment suppliers and assistance from other countries.

The defense cooperation between Indonesia and Sweden not only brings state actors but also from universities and several important industries to strengthen national defense. In 2015, the University of Defense (UNHAN) in collaboration with SAAB Sweden held an International Seminar with the theme "Achieving National Excellence in the Field of Defense Technology" and Workshop activities that took the theme "National Engineering Information Network". At the seminar and workshop, it was held to open a new study program in the 2016/2017 academic year, namely the Defense Technology and Industry Study Program. Based on the opinion of the Rector of the Defense University, that currently Indonesia still lacks resources in managing the Defense Technology and Industry Study Program, especially related to human resources, technology, research infrastructure and laboratories (DMC, 2015). By bringing in actors other than the state, this is the same as what Sweden has done, where Sweden implements the Triple Helix concept, namely cooperation between the Government, Universities, and Private Sector in developing defense technology and industry. The same implementation as Sweden is expected to improve Indonesia's defense, security, and technology sectors.

Indonesia at that time had to unwillingly replace some outdated defense equipment to be used as a form of national defense and security. Updates are needed in this defense equipment which must keep up with the development of defense technology needed. One of the things that caught Indonesia's eye was a Swedish aircraft named JAS Gripen 39. This JAS Gripen fighter has a combat range of about 1,680 kilometers, which is more than half the length of Indonesia. Indonesia at that time was in dire need of a multi-role fighter but at a low cost with high system cohesion and the JAS Gripen 39 was very suitable to meet Indonesia's needs in the field of air defense. Therefore, Indonesia is trying to negotiate with SAAB Sweden so that the fighter can be used in full by Indonesia in order to protect the land, sea and air of the Indonesian territory.

In addition to trying to buy several fighter aircraft to maintain Indonesia's sovereignty. Indonesia is also trying to create a base for the maintenance of its own defense equipment in Indonesia. That way, Indonesia no longer needs to send some of its defense equipment to foreign countries to get maintenance if the base can be realized by Indonesia. Because to deliver defense equipment to foreign countries will definitely require a long time to be reused and this takes a lot of money from the government. Therefore, Indonesia wants to project a base for the maintenance of defense equipment where this makes it easier for the government and also does not take a long time even though to project it requires good and suitable land.

Indonesia's cooperation with Sweden not only improves the defense and security of the two countries, but also this cooperation can be a bridge for Indonesia to establish other cooperation with countries in the Nordic region such as Denmark, Finland and Norway. In addition to being a bridge for diplomacy with Nordic countries, the Swedish SAAB Company also offers 20 scholarships for undergraduate programs aimed at professionals from the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the National Defense Industry. Sweden hopes that by offering these scholarships Indonesian human resources will become more qualified in the future and become someone who is professional in their field.

Various national interests that Indonesia wants to achieve are created through this cooperation with Sweden. As in the field of defense where Indonesia and Sweden transfer technology and exchange information and experience regarding the defense sector. In addition, also in the field of security where Indonesia is negotiating with Sweden to get JAS Gripen 39 to be used as a fighter and security aircraft in Indonesian airspace. This is in order to maintain Indonesia's sovereignty from outside attacks that could harm Indonesia in the future. Indonesia also aims to replace some outdated defense equipment with new equipment in accordance with the times and its needs in protecting Indonesia. Replacing this outdated defense equipment is also a start for Indonesia to realize a base for the maintenance of its defense equipment. That way, Indonesia does not need to spend a lot of energy, money, and time to bring defense equipment to the destination country to carry out maintenance because it is very inefficient. And the last is the offer of 20 scholarships from the Swedish SAAB Company for TNI professionals and the Indonesian Defense Industry which can improve the quality of Indonesia's human resources. That way, economic welfare can be achieved because Indonesia's defense becomes stronger, security is maintained, and the high quality of Indonesian human resources provides economic welfare for the people of Indonesia in the future because they can feel safe to live in Indonesia. From these things we can know that Indonesia is trying to achieve its national interests in the fields of military security, territorial integrity, and economic welfare.

Sumber : Handoko,2016
Sumber : Handoko,2016

The cooperation between Indonesia and Sweden is closely related to International Relations where Indonesia is trying to be diplomatic with Sweden in order to improve the defense and security of its country. Through the theory of National Interest, Indonesia wants that the creation of such cooperation provides benefits and achieves the desired goals of the country in the fields of defense, welfare, economy, technology, and security. International Relations in this case gives us the view that something we want must be achieved in a good and orderly manner, especially in establishing relationships with other countries so that conflicts do not occur. Negotiations are needed to reach an agreement. Therefore, International Relations in this case acts as a bridge for Indonesia and Sweden to establish healthy and good cooperation and will continue in the future.

Introducing my name Muhammad Lufpi Firdaus, with a major in International Relations in the 3rd semester of Yogyakarta University of Technology. I am the 22nd batch for now. The reason I took the International Relations course is because I am very interested in how a person can diplomacy to various countries, reach agreements, amazing public speaking, and can go to various countries with a role that is a state representative. International Relations teaches that to establish cooperation with the international world is not easy and does not only focus on one field such as economics but also culture, defense, and social. My favorite lecturer is probably Pak Adi Wibowo because Pak Adi's explanation is very easy for me to catch and sometimes I ask Pak Adi some questions and Pak Adi can answer in a structured, easy to understand, and concise manner. Sometimes I also ask Mr. Adi for advice on some international issues that are currently happening to find out the lecturer's views on these issues. Finally, the concentration of the major that I will take is business because I like money and discussing the economy both from the private and the state. Thank you.

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