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Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan
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Ilmu Sosbud

Hasil Terjemahan Buku Kinantan Melintas Zaman Halaman 150

30 Agustus 2024   17:28 Diperbarui: 6 September 2024   17:51 18
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Buku "Kinantan Melintas Zaman" by Irwan SetiawanInput sumber gambar

The Bukittinggi Zoo is a distinctive zoo located in the heart of the city, and it can no longer expand its area. Therefore, to enhance its facilities and progress, the zoo is developing vertical access through multi-story buildings or underground tunnels. The Mayor has provided attention and budget support for the zoo's advancement. This support is also manifested in the renovation of the Fort de Kock. At Fort de Kock, a prayer room (mushalla), a performance area, gazebos, and additional attractions such as a cable bicycle and a hanging carpet have been built, further beautifying this tourist attraction.

The Kinantan Wildlife Park and Cultural Garden (TMSBK) has significantly contributed to the progress of Bukittinggi City. The development of the city is closely tied to the improvements and advancements of TMSBK. From the perspective of retribution or entrance fees, from 2005 onwards...

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nama : Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan

NIM   : 21019015

No. Urut : 26

24 JJ I-E TRANS JM-9-10 NK-All21 LM

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