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Analysis Song: "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson

8 April 2020   13:43 Diperbarui: 4 Mei 2020   22:24 52257
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There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me

You and for me


In 1991, Michael Jackson was established Heal the World foundation to help disadvantage people. The song was wrote to call attention to awareness of children that needed help, like children who living in war zones. Making the world more peaceful and happy are the main purposes of this foundation. The main literary devices used in the song are personification and metaphor.

Michael Jackson began this song with 'there's a place in your heart'. It is a metaphor which heart compared to a place. Followed by ' And I know that it is love ', It means that everybody has another side of themselves which reside on the core of heart where it called love. Love is a strong affection emotion of person. On the other hand, love means goodwill of someone to make a better condition through strong affection. Michael Jackson adds some results when people have reached it. starting from 'Brighter than tomorrow' (on this context, 'brighter' means a peaceful condition if we connected with the message of the song),' You'll find there's no need to cry' and 'There's no hurt or sorrow' (when people have tried harder, we haven't to cry('cry' means sadness, heartache, groaning) and fell hurt or sorrow, because the condition of today is better than yesterday).

Not only add some results when people have reached it, but Michael Jackson adds some guides to get that place. People must 'care enough for the living, make a little space (give opportunity or chance to people to express their emotions) and ' make a better place'.

The title of this song is 'Heal the world'. It's an example of personification because the world is healed like a person. Michael Jackson used it to represent of helping each other as healing the world. The point of healed the world are to stave off war and make a better place for the entire human race. Save whole victims war is the main purpose. because as far as I know, there are a lot of people dying everyday in some parts of the world until now.

On verse 2, Michael Jackson explains why love cannot lie. It's an example of personification which means love cannot lie like a person. My point is, everybody has love in the core of heart. It cannot disappear or dimmed because love is strong and It will always come up to the surface. If we do everything sincerely and genuine way or try harder to create a better condition, it will stop the fear of dread condition existing and start living in a better world where love is enough for us growing.  

Michael Jackson tried to create after effect of strong love movement on verse 3. All of dreams and hopes will give a sign that they will come up to the surface and come true. Meanwhile, the world will be as peaceful as what people believe.

After Michael Jackson explained what the results are, he was expected that people must stop worsen the world through war. Because it brings out chaos, poverty, hunger, death, and destroying our future. Of course, we should look a different point of views of this world. 'This world is heavenly', it means that there is another part of our point of view of this world. It is a peaceful and harmonious part.'We could fly so high it's the one of a hyperbole lines which means that we should keep believing that our dreams will come true and let our spirit never die.

Michael Jackson thinks that when we feel all of us are brothers and coalesced, we shall easily create a state of peace without fear. For the first time, he used a symbol in line "See the nation turn their swords into plowshares". Swords mean war and plowshares (a part of a plow that cuts the furrow) means ceasefire. If people cared enough for the living and give opportunity or chance to people to express their emotions, we could make a better condition of this world.

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