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Comparing The Effectiveness between Online Learning and Face-to-Face Learning for Senior Highschool Studentst

12 Desember 2022   12:59 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2022   13:24 526
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Readiness: The use of technology or some application of online learning feel foreign for students and the teachers (Kennedy & Archambault, 2012), so that many teachers and the students get difficult to adapt with online learning and many questions towards the teacher. The readiness of students or teacher is important because on several studies stated that readiness could influence the learning outcomes (Jayadiningrat, Tika, & Yuliani, 2017). Additionally, based on of study approved that not all students are ready to involve in online learning (Mardhiyana & Nasution, 2018).

According to the explanation above, online learning will be a good choice for the learning process if all the materials, teachers, knowledge, educational aids have been well prepared and the readiness of teachers or students is important to ensure the learning activities goes well, so there will have no obstacles in conducting online learning in pandemic situation.

Definition of Face-to Face Learning

Now days, the government have already declared that Indonesia entering a new normal era by the opening kinds of shopping centers, public recreation, and other public place operating, even though there is a time limitation and visitors for each public places. It also as the reason to provoke the educational sectors to hold face-to-face learning without waive the joint decree of four minister as set out in the introduction. The schools must implement the health protocols if they want to hold face-to-face learning because if the schools could not subject to the health protocols, they will not allow to implement its learning. Besides, the students' parents suggest face-to-face learning should be carried out again because they think that their children could not focus while online learning is running out. In addition, their children only copying and pasting the answer if they have an assignment from their teacher.

A good learning process takes place face-to face because it allows direct interaction between teacher and the students during the learning occurs in the classroom, then, it allows teachers to monitor the responses and behavior of their students accordingly address them as and when required (

One of the most benefits from face-to face learning is having a real response in a real time, if any questions regarding the difficult materials; the students will get an immediate answer whereas online learning takes time to wait the response. Moreover, online learning could be distracted the focus of students because it comes from the noise of environment, cell phones, or family members. The students could succeed if they are able to estimate their knowledge, and for providing a feedback and feed-forward are the most important factors (Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Sadler, 2010).

Furthermore, the advantages of face-to-face learning during the new normal ear of COVID-19 pandemic, as follows:

Interaction: the reasons why the students prefer to choose face-to face learning because of the direct interaction. Based on some studies explained that online learning cannot completely change face-to face learning (Britt. R, 2006 Vol. 77).

Learning Experience: the students can directly have more practice after the theory has been delivered by the teachers and they feel more comprehend about the subject. Online learning is suitable for theoretical subject; this model was a bit hard for laboratory oriented and practical-based technical education (Kumitha, et al, 2021). Based on the research, there sixty percent of students disagreed that language and numerical courses was taught by distance education (Gok, 2015, Vol. 16).

Better Understanding: the teachers can provide better explanation and make the students can achieve the goals of learning while the students are asking some questions related to the materials; the teachers can give more examples and explanations or carry the answers in a different way, so that the students are not needed to re-watch video or re-read the materials after the class (Maria and Jose, 2019, p. 9).

Able to work in Group: the students can share their problems and difficulties in a group because it can motivate the students each other and share their knowledge (Maria and Jose, 2019, p. 9).

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