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The Sources of Constitutional Law and The Relation Between Other Disciplines

3 Maret 2024   19:42 Diperbarui: 5 Maret 2024   17:00 241
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4.Constitutional Convention

According to Bagir Manan, constitutional conventions or customary law are laws that grow in the practice of state administration to complement, perfect, and revive or dynamize the rules of statutory law or constitutional customary law.

5.Constitutional Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence is a collection of court decisions on constitutional issues, which after being arranged in an orderly manner gives the conclusion of the existence of certain legal provisions discovered or developed by the judicial body.

6.International Constitutional Treaties

constitutional international agreements consist of treaties that have been ratified, international agreements made by governments or executive agencies (executive agreements) with other governments that do not require ratification, which determine the aspects of constitutional law for each state bound in it, can be a source of formal state administration law.

7.Constitutional Doctrine

Constitutional doctrines are teachings about constitutional law that are discovered and developed in the world of science as a result of careful investigation and thinking based on applicable formal logic.

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