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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs (Fase D): Greetings

15 September 2024   06:47 Diperbarui: 15 September 2024   06:51 77
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1. Good afternoon! How have you been?
2. Hey, long time no see! How's everything?
3. Hi there! It's great to finally meet you.
4. Good morning! How are you today?
5. Hello! Nice to see you again.
6. Hi! How's your day going?
7. Good evening! How was your day?
8. Hey! What's up?
9. Hello there! How have things been?
10. Good to see you! How's life treating you?
11. Hi! How's everything on your end?
12. Morning! Hope you're doing well.
13. Hey! How's it going?
14. Hi! How have you been holding up?
15. Good day! How's work/school going?
16. Greetings! How are things today?
17. Hello! How's your week been?
18. Hi! What's new with you?
19. Hey there! How are things?
20. Good morning! Hope you're having a great day.
21. Hi! How are things going for you?
22. Hello! Long time no see, how are you?
23. Hi there! What have you been up to lately?
24. Good afternoon! How's your day treating you?
25. Hey! It's been a while, hasn't it?
26. Hi! How are you doing today?
27. Good to see you! What's been keeping you busy?
28. Hello! How are you feeling today?
29. Hey! It's been too long, how've you been?
30. Hi! Any big plans for the day?
31. Good morning! Did you sleep well?
32. Hello! How's everything on your side?
33. Hi there! How's your family?
34. Hey! What's been going on with you?
35. Hello! Anything exciting happening lately?
36. Hi! How's your weekend going so far?
37. Good afternoon! Have you been doing well?
38. Hey! It's so nice to see you.
39. Hi! Hope all's good with you.
40. Good morning! How have you been feeling?
41. Hello! How have you been these days?
42. Hi there! What's new in your life?
43. Hey! How have things been for you?
44. Good afternoon! How's everything coming along?
45. Hi! Hope your week has been great so far.
46. Hello! What's been keeping you busy?
47. Hi there! It's been ages, how are you?
48. Hey! How's your week going so far?
49. Good evening! How has your day been?
50. Hello! How are things on your end?
51. Hi! How's work going?
52. Hey! It's been a while, how's life?
53. Good morning! Hope you're having a fantastic day.
54. Hi there! How have you been lately?
55. Hello! Any fun plans for the weekend?
56. Hi! How's everything with you?
57. Good to see you! How's the family?
58. Hi there! How's your health?
59. Hey! Long time no chat. How have you been?
60. Good afternoon! What's been going on in your world?
61. Hi! How's your mood today?
62. Hello! How are things going?
63. Hey there! How's the day treating you?
64. Good morning! How have things been for you?
65. Hi! Any exciting news to share?
66. Hello! How's your day shaping up?
67. Hey! How's your life these days?
68. Good to see you! What's been happening?
69. Hi there! How's your morning going?
70. Hello! How have you been feeling lately?
71. Hi! What's new in your world?
72. Hey! What's been keeping you busy?
73. Good afternoon! How are things progressing?
74. Hi! How's everything on your side going?
75. Hello! How's the weather treating you?
76. Hey there! How's your week shaping up?
77. Good morning! Any plans for the day?
78. Hi! How are you getting along?
79. Hello! How have things been going?
80. Hey! What's the latest with you?
81. Good afternoon! Have you had a good day so far?
82. Hi there! How are you holding up?
83. Hey! How's everything with you today?
84. Good evening! How's your family been?
85. Hello! What's been happening in your world?
86. Hi! Any new updates in your life?
87. Good morning! What's the plan for today?
88. Hi! How's everything been going for you?
89. Hey! It's so good to see you again.
90. Hello! How have you been feeling?
91. Hi there! How's work treating you?
92. Hey! How are things going on your end?
93. Good afternoon! Any news to share?
94. Hi! How's your morning been so far?
95. Hello! How's life treating you these days?
96. Hey! What's been happening with you?
97. Good to see you! What's new in your life?
98. Hi! How's everything going for you?
99. Good morning! How was your weekend?
100. Hi there! How's work/school been lately?
101. Hey! How are things progressing for you?
102. Good afternoon! Any plans for the evening?
103. Hi! How's your day going so far?
104. Hello! Have you been keeping well?
105. Hey there! What's been happening with you?
106. Good morning! How have things been since we last spoke?
107. Hi! How are things coming along?
108. Hello! How's life these days?
109. Hi there! How's everything at home?
110. Hey! How are things shaping up for you today?
111. Good to see you! Any new updates in your life?
112. Hi! How have you been feeling lately?
113. Hello! How's your health these days?
114. Hey! It's been a while, what's new with you?
115. Good morning! Any exciting news to share?
116. Hi there! How's your day been treating you?
117. Hey! How's work been going for you?
118. Good afternoon! How have you been these days?
119. Hi! How's everything going with you?
120. Hello! How's your weekend shaping up?

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