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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs (Fase D): Describing Hobbies

1 Agustus 2024   06:46 Diperbarui: 1 Agustus 2024   06:54 365
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

  • Yani loves painting landscapes with acrylics. She sets up her easel and canvas, and then she sketches the landscape lightly. Yanti helps her mix the acrylic paints on the palette. Husen enjoys watching Yani start with the background and gradually add details. Laskmi always reminds them to let the painting dry completely before adding final touches. Muji takes pictures of Yani's completed artwork.

  • Yani and Yanti enjoy gardening roses. They choose a sunny spot in their garden to plant the roses. Husen digs holes twice the size of the rose bushes' root balls. Laskmi carefully places the rose bushes in the holes and covers them with soil. Muji waters the plants thoroughly and makes sure they are fertilized and pruned regularly.

  • Husen loves playing the guitar. He tunes his guitar using a tuner while Yani watches. Yanti learns basic chords from him and practices transitioning between them. Laskmi joins them to practice strumming patterns. Muji enjoys listening to them play simple songs together, and as they improve, they learn more complex pieces.

  • Laskmi enjoys cooking Italian dishes. She gathers all necessary ingredients with Yanti. Yani follows a recipe step-by-step, while Husen helps cook the ingredients as instructed. Muji seasons the dish to taste. They all sit together to enjoy their homemade Italian meal.

  • Yani loves reading historical novels and biographies. She chooses a book that interests her and finds a quiet place to read. Yanti uses a bookmark to keep her place in the book. Husen takes notes on important parts. Laskmi joins a book club to discuss the book. Muji often listens to their discussions.

  • Yanti enjoys playing the piano. She sits at the piano and ensures proper posture. Husen practices scales with her to improve finger strength. Yani helps her read and play simple sheet music. Laskmi uses a metronome to help Yanti keep time. Muji encourages her as she progresses to more challenging pieces.

  • Muji loves photography. He chooses a subject or location to photograph. Yani sets up the camera and adjusts the settings. Yanti holds the tripod for stability if needed. Husen takes multiple shots from different angles. Laskmi edits and enhances the photos on a computer.

  • Husen enjoys woodworking. He chooses a project and gathers all necessary materials. Yanti measures and cuts the wood to the required dimensions. Yani helps assemble the pieces using nails or screws. Laskmi sands the surfaces to smooth out rough edges. Muji finishes the project with paint, stain, or varnish.

  • Yanti and Laskmi enjoy practicing yoga. They lay out their yoga mats in a quiet space. Yani wears comfortable clothing and follows a yoga routine. Husen focuses on his breathing and holds each pose. Muji joins them for relaxation poses to cool down after their session.

  • Laskmi enjoys knitting scarves. She chooses yarn and needle size suitable for scarves. Yani helps her cast on the required number of stitches. Yanti knits each row, maintaining an even tension. Husen continues knitting until the scarf reaches the desired length. Muji binds off and weaves in any loose ends.

  • Husen loves playing basketball. He warms up with stretches and light exercises. Yani practices dribbling and passing the ball with him. Yanti joins them to shoot hoops from different positions on the court. Laskmi plays practice games with friends and teammates. Muji cools down with stretches after playing.

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