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Mr WinG
Mr WinG Mohon Tunggu... guru




Ruang Kelas

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs (Fase D): What do You do at School?

11 Februari 2024   07:40 Diperbarui: 11 Februari 2024   07:42 440
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Students will attend library orientation sessions to familiarize themselves with resources and research tools.

  • Next month, students will actively participate in talent shows and performances showcasing their artistic abilities.

  • They will attend career fairs and guest speaker events to learn about different professions.

  • Students will actively engage in hygiene awareness campaigns promoting handwashing and cleanliness.

  • They will take part in teacher-led workshops on instructional strategies.

  • Students will join clubs and extracurricular activities such as robotics or drama clubs.

  • Tomorrow, students will have group discussions and debates on academic topics.

  • They will collaborate on projects and give presentations.

  • They will participate in peer tutoring sessions to help classmates with difficult subjects.

  • They will play educational games and quizzes to reinforce learning.

  • Students will engage in creative writing exercises or journaling activities regularly.

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