Mohon tunggu...
Mr WinG
Mr WinG Mohon Tunggu... guru




Ruang Kelas

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs: Comparative Sentence

30 Januari 2024   21:32 Diperbarui: 30 Januari 2024   21:38 245
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The journey was longer, but it was also more adventurous.

  • The movie was more thrilling than I expected.

  • The new phone is more expensive, but it has more storage.

  • The road is smoother than the one we took earlier.

  • The camera is more advanced than the one I had before.

  • Summer is hotter, but I enjoy the longer days.

  • The restaurant is busier, but the service is better.

  • The novel is more captivating than the one I finished last week.

  • Learning a new language is more difficult, but it's also more rewarding.

  • The competition was more intense, but we had more fun.

  • The coffee in this caf is tastier, but it's also more expensive.

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