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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs; Latihan Ujian Akhir Semester Bagian 4

17 Januari 2024   06:09 Diperbarui: 29 Januari 2024   19:23 118
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What makes Olive's eyes beautiful?

  • Blue color
  • Round shape
  • Thick eyebrows
  • Long lashes
  • What does Olive often sport on her face?

    • Glasses
    • Hat
    • Pointed nose
    • Freckles
  • What sets Olive apart from others academically?

    • Youthfulness
    • Intelligence
    • Maturity
    • Beauty
  • What is Olive always ready to offer to her friends?

    • Money
    • Advice
    • Clothes
    • Food
  • How does Olive make people feel around her?

    • Intimidated
    • Annoyed
    • Approachable
    • Disinterested
  • Comprehension Questions:

    1. What physical attributes make Olive stand out?
    2. In what ways does Olive's appeal go beyond her physical appearance?
    3. Why do Olive's peers often seek her advice?
    4. How does Olive contribute to her wide circle of friends?
    5. What does the text mean when it says Olive "radiates beauty both inside and out"?

    Matching Words and Definitions:

    1. Fair skin         A) Innocence in appearance
    2. Captivating   B) Graceful framing
    3. Charming     C) Appealing and delightful
    4. Prowess      D) Inner beauty
    5. Elegance     E) Attracting attention
    6. Approachable    F) Ready to help
    7. Valuable     G) Maturity in behavior
    8. Radiate     H) Exceptional skill or ability
    9. Cherished     I) Shining brightly
    10. Wide circle     J) Held dear or valued greatly

    True-False Statements:

    1. Olive is 20 years old. True / False

    2. Olive's eyes are accentuated by long lashes. True / False

    3. Olive's academic prowess is a significant aspect of her appeal. True / False

    4. HALAMAN :
      1. 1
      2. 2
      3. 3
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