What makes Olive's eyes beautiful?
- Blue color
- Round shape
- Thick eyebrows
- Long lashes
What does Olive often sport on her face?
- Glasses
- Hat
- Pointed nose
- Freckles
What sets Olive apart from others academically?
- Youthfulness
- Intelligence
- Maturity
- Beauty
What is Olive always ready to offer to her friends?
- Money
- Advice
- Clothes
- Food
How does Olive make people feel around her?
- Intimidated
- Annoyed
- Approachable
- Disinterested
Comprehension Questions:
- What physical attributes make Olive stand out?
- In what ways does Olive's appeal go beyond her physical appearance?
- Why do Olive's peers often seek her advice?
- How does Olive contribute to her wide circle of friends?
- What does the text mean when it says Olive "radiates beauty both inside and out"?
Matching Words and Definitions:
- Fair skin     A) Innocence in appearance
- Captivating  B) Graceful framing
- Charming   C) Appealing and delightful
- Prowess   D) Inner beauty
- Elegance   E) Attracting attention
- Approachable  F) Ready to help
- Valuable   G) Maturity in behavior
- Radiate   H) Exceptional skill or ability
- Cherished   I) Shining brightly
- Wide circle   J) Held dear or valued greatly
True-False Statements: