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Mohamed Fathi
Mohamed Fathi Mohon Tunggu... Student Of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

I am very interested in things related to multimedia, such as photography and videography, I can also speak English, my hobbies are playing futsal and badminton.



Ilmu Sosbud

Religion, Power, and Culture: An Islamic viewpoint

16 Juni 2024   13:11 Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2024   13:22 384
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Since long, religion has been a key factor for dictating the value-itis and socio-political direction in society. Islam as a universal global religion and one whose followers extend into a variety of regions plays a notable role in the history of the political power structure and the cultural evolution throughout the different epochs An understanding of this dynamic relationship between religion, power and culture in the Islamic context is crucial in comprehending the myriad of complexities and challenges prevailing in contemporary society. It is not only a religious belief but is also accompanied by the trace of politics and culture that give it a deep effect on Muslim life. Today, the relation between religion, political power and culture is one of the main issues on the agenda of contemporary Islamic studies. This article is intended to delve deeper into these complexities. In other words Islam is a complete code of religion, which not only regulates the duties to the Lord and the duties to his creatures, but some legislation has also been provided in Islam about the system of society and affairs of the state. Realizing the perspectives through which Islamic doctrines amalgamate in different political and cultural frames of the world is the core to comprehend the dynamics that influence Muslims in aggregate.

In Islamic teachings, power is not just an issue of authority and control of territory and the community, but is a mandate that must be performed with full responsibility, and is in accordance with Islamic values and sharia law. This orientation is heavily conditioned by Islamic political theology that prescribes how power is to be conceptualized, exercised and meted out.

The concept of power in Islam

Plantation of Political Power This understanding of political power in Islam is so engrained in the Qur'anic teachings and Sunnah that it also provides a blueprint for the management, or the governance, of the society. Islam views power not merely as a secular or administrative issue, but also as a moral and spiritual matter. The leader (caliph or imam) is held to be the divinely appointed head of state, and is thus expected to rule according to sharia, despite only being human, and to do so in order to enable the prosperity and security of the people.

Overview of Leadership Principles in Sharia

Sharia has clear recognition about good and proper leadership. A fair and insecure, strong and leader who follows the path of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him. They are also urged to observe religious freedom and human rights and  protection of the weaker and vulnerable in society.

Combination of Power and Sharia

Balance between Political power and Authority of Ulama in IslamFacing political power stand Authority of Ulama,Power element of Politics and Authority of Ulama through their madrassah, Ullum, mosques in western educational form are doing the same that Western countries and Europe done in terms of globalism but by religious way according to the Quran. The Indonesian government is under the observation of the ulama who provide advices and ensure that the policies and actions of the government feel in line with religious values. This serves as a one of its kind checks and balance system in the Islamic political set up.

Sharia In Leadership

Implementing of sharia in everyday life is among the challenge in Islamic political power. This is through the enforcement of Islamic laws in other areas of life like criminal, economic and social law. In its turn, the main leaders are supposed to embody the supreme arbitral power, and take decisions in a fair and wise way on the basis of religious values, without regard to race, national and social differences. 

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