Table 4. Results Pretest and Posttest
4. ConclusionsÂ
This study aims to determine the extent of the knowledge of 6th grade students of Tunas Karya Elementary School about protein nutrition intake for the body. There are 3 main steps in conducting this research, namely (i) giving a questionnaire as a pretest; (ii) conduct treatment by providing socialization and education to students about the importance of good protein for the body; (iii) the researcher again gave a questionnaire as a posttest to find out whether there was a development in students' knowledge about the importance of protein nutrition for the body. The results showed an increase in the average value of the pretest from 65.00 to 83.33 when the posttest was given. Based on the results of the t-test, it is known there are significant results from pretest to posttest. It has a value of 0.001 < 0.05. N-gain calculation is done to determine the effectiveness of the treatment given. The results show the average value of N-gain is 0.51 (51%) which means the treatment given in the form of socialization and education about knowledge of protein nutrition intake for 6th grade students of Tunas Karya Elementary School is less effective. This is because the provision of socialization and education is only done once. Students still do not know about protein nutritional intake.
5. Acknowledgment
We say thank you of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia for collaborating with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). As well as thanking the group of 71 who have helped the implementation of this program with the theme of a village without hunger.
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