Rp. 38.000
Rp. 84.000
Rp. 58.000
Rp. 8.000
Rp. 9.000
So, we can conclude that use online transportation is more expensive than MRT. The third drawback is the driver not always professional. A few day ago have been caught four fictitious driver of online's taxi. This is in line with the statement from Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Argo Yuwono that "The four agent already doing a fictitious order and damaged Go-Jek Company. To do their action, they help by their closest friend," (Wildansyah, 2019).
Online transportation has some benefits and drawbacks. In my opinion, the benefits are more dominance. While, about the price, it's relative to how long the distance. The expensive or cheap the price is relative to financial situation of person. Even though there are some bad aspects in online transportation, I think we can minimalize the drawbacks if we can use it wisely. So, it can be a consideration when we want to try choose will go up unline transportation or conventional transportation.