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Muhammad Taqiyyuddin
Muhammad Taqiyyuddin Mohon Tunggu...

pelajar Indonesia di Siria




Doa Yahya an-Nawawi

11 Maret 2013   01:41 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   17:00 88
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Between me and them I put:

Say: He is Allah the One! * Allah the eternally Besought of all! * He begetteth not nor was begotten. * And there is none comparable unto Him. [112:1-4] (thrice)

And [I say] the same [the basmallah and sūrat al-ikhlāṣ] to my right and to their right; and the same to my left and to their left; and the same in front of me and in front of them; and the same behind me and behind them; and the same above me and above them; and the same below me and below them; and the same encompassing me and encompassing them.

O Allah, verily I beseech You, for my sake and theirs, for whatever You choose from Your goodness which no one other than You possesses.

O Allah, put me and them in Your divine servitude and protection, in Your protectorship, in what is entrusted unto You, in the midst of Your party, in Your sanctuary and shelter – from every demon, possessor of power, human or jinn, from tyrants and enviers, from predatory beasts and serpents and scorpions, and from every crawling creature under Your control. Verily, my Lord is upon the straight path!

The Lord suffices me from all who are subject to others.

The Creator suffices me from the created.

The Sustainer suffices me from those who are sustained.

The Concealer suffices me from those who are concealed.

The Giver of Victory suffices me from those who are granted victory.

The Vanquisher suffices me from those who are vanquished.

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