An IFPer & a Fulbrighter | An alumnus of Unib & University of Manchester, UK | A PhD student at Lehigh University, Penn, USA. Blog: Twitter @01_budi. PIN BBM: 51410A7E
a learner who live in village that has lost track of its history. Happy go to the island, love of the Sea and Concern of Conservation of Coral Reef. Ever feel the joy as a teacher and journalist. After failing to be politician, now works as a public relation worker, writer, observer of history and social culture. \r\nMy Email:
Motto: As long as you are still alive, you can change and grow. You can do anything you want to do, be anything you want to be.
Cheers... ***
*) Menyukai permainan catur dan gaple. Menulis adalah 'nafas' seorang penulis sejati. I can breath because I always write something...
Ayah dari seorang dua anak perempuan bernama Fransiska. Sehari hari bekerja sebagai buruh kantor. menulis merupakan hoby untuk mengisi waktu luang, dimana kesempatan untuk merenung realitas hidup dan berusaha memaknai pesan tersirat dibalik realitas itu.