seneng\'a kmarin..
Bergabung 10 November 2009
Label Populer
Bang Asa
Tunggu beta bale, sodara!
Clarinsa Pitoy
I am an anonymous.
I'm thirst of Classic Age tales.
I am established since 1809.
I'm a believer. I'm a membership of alive.
I'm into something deep-drop-dead gorgeous.
I earn diamonds with silence.
I'm only happy when it rains,
when lightning and thunder are playing their beat.
I'm just a mellow singer in the morning
and a rock & roll band in the night.
I am the concept by world to be a myth rhythm.
I'm half part of everybody's soul where I could see the true colors.
I'm a dreamer about spacecraft, scientist, and epic adventure.
I'm walking on the stardust alone.
I'm not in your era. I am million miles away.
I will find you in nightmare when the early grave is waiting.
I am an unfinished human being.
I love to write, because somehow,
I believe a piece of paper could talk just like anybody else does.
I am a stereotype who paints women as
the original eighteenth-century.
I'm the true admire of Julius Caesar.
I'm finding icy beauty in hidden places.
I am awaken by the imagination of historic poetry.
I'm counting triple digit in my account �i+love+you
= I love (to hate) you�.
I cried at myself, it is my instant language.
I am a freak for sparkling architecture.
I'm living above the soaring fountain of the landmark building.
I'm the great pretender. I was a scripture magnet.
I had a dynamic masquerade.
I am what I am. Not so called devilish and doesn't look-like evildoers.
I might someday
Dadang Kusnandar
memasuki dunia maya untuk menjelajah dunia nyata
Akhmad Sekhu
Akhmad Sekhu lahir di desa Jatibogor, Suradadi, Tegal, besar di "Kota Budaya" Yogyakarta, kini hijrah ke "Kota Gelisah" Jakarta, yang insya Allah dalam hidupnya ingin selalu berkarya. Menulis berupa puisi, cerpen, novel, esai sastra-budaya, resensi buku, artikel arsitektur-kota, kupasan film-musik, telaah tentang televisi di berbagai media massa, juga banyak mengerjakan penulisan buku biografi karier dan kisah kehidupan, kini bekerja sebagai wartawan
Anggrawansyah Lasuppary
ANGGRAWANSYAH LASUPPARY, Lahir di Pare-Pare 14 Juni 1987, menamatkan sekolah dasar di SDN 102 Lappa-Lappa'e Suppa Pinrang, kemudian melanjutkan ke SMPN 1 Suppa dan melanjukan ke SMAN 1 Suppa pada tahun 2002, tahun 2005 melanjukan pendidikan di bangku kuliah di Universitas Negeri Makassar jurusan Seni Rupa Program Studi Sendratasik Strata 1. Sejak itu aktif dalam kegiatan baik dalam kampus maupun luar kampus, prestasi yang tak terlupakan yaitu sebagai pendiri Institut Kesenian Makassar, sebagi manager duta kesenian sulawesi selatan Ke Festival Zapin Nusantara II di Malaysia dan sekarang aktif di lembaga Latar Nusa(Laboratorium Tari Nusantara), Padat Daya(Pusat Data Budaya) Sejak tahun 2006. Sekarang Kuliah di University of Malaya jurusan Master performing arts
If traveling was free, you'd never see me again.
Imansyah Rukka
Ketua Persatuan Pewarta Warga Indonesia - PPWI Sulawesi Selatan -- Jurnalis Koran Sergap, (, Jendela Indo News (
Ahmad Fauzi
Berusaha menjadi orang yang bermanfaat untuk sesama. Santri, Advokat bisa hubungi saya di email :, HP/WA : 085286856464.