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Lyfe Pilihan

Young Generation as Spearhead of Future Nation

10 Juni 2016   22:19 Diperbarui: 10 Juni 2016   22:31 89
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Terrorism certainly become the new enemy to mankind. Various possibilities of terror motives indeed should need to look out for. Terrorism action in JW Marriott Hotel and Ritz-Carlton Hotels in Mega Kuningan on Friday morning, July 17, 2009, killing 9 people and wounding at least 55 people. A suicide bomb blast in some houses of worship also have occurred in Cirebon and Malpolresta Kepunton Mosque in 2011. Most recently, Jakarta shocked with blast and firefight about Sarinah Plaza, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta. That terrorism cases are just a few examples of the many cases of teorisme that have occurred in Indonesia.

Terrorism is certainly not a case that emerged from a vacuum. Its requires a certain culture to grow.  Our Previous President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono cited from has said that there are three causes for the emergence of terrorism. "The first, the ideology of radical and extreme, it can appear anywhere, anywhere, and in any society," Yudhoyono said in a teleconference with the Governor in the whole of Indonesia in the Presidential Palace, Thursday 30 July 2009. Second, further causes of SBY, was an aberration against the teachings of the religion espoused. The cause of the latter, he added, because of the difficult living conditions, poverty and underdevelopment, absolute extreme. "That is supposedly easy influenced," he added.

“Give me 1000 parents so they will pull Semeru Mountain until the roots. But if you give me 10 young man, so They will shake the world” This quotes is one of pride quote which deliveredby Ir . Soekarno in his speech that get the blood flowing quickly . It means that young generation usually has its own power which is different with old man.Young Generation as spearhead of future nation. It means, Youths are creative, critical and innovative. However, youth are also easily fall by negative things.

The large number of terror actions that happened in Indonesia marks we should remain alert, so that Indonesia young men do not fall in the terror action. Because most perpetrators of terrorism in Indonesia are of young people aged under 30 years old. It is certainly based on the action of terrorism which also target young people to become terrorists. The young man became terrorist recruitment targets by the doctrination. Youth is the target of a tender for the affected and dotrined with false promises of action related to terrorism and his martyred when dead in acts of terrorism, so it's not a little youth fall within the meaning of the error that is transmitted by the perpetrators. The lack of the role of youth participation in the prevention and eradication of terrorism in Indonesia, the Indonesia Youth came easy fall and believed all of the doctrine given perpetrator. So what changes can be expected from those who just sat enjoying herself without doing anything to the advancement of the future or the future of a nation?

Based on investigated by author Prof. Sarlito Sarwono Wiriawan in his book on “Terorisme di Indonesia dalam tinjauan psikologi” has also been noted a lack of knowledge of terrorism is this particular finding in school and campus about religious understanding vurnerable doctrinal affect and psychologically seeking identity who became new terrorist. They are dominate in school or campus organization area.

Some sources said campus is strategic location for distribute idea radicalism independently and not rarely using symbolic, sentiment and mask of religious with brainwash which aims for out of order religion and confict emerged. Nevertheless, in a way giving civic education and Islamic introductory education comprehensively and critically by lecturer and proffesor should be a good insight significantly.

Indeed, terrorism is just not for young adult due to they are don’t really see the reason behind sometimes most of the time is affect vulnerable background and some kind of disability with themselves or family member due to they are on child thought or behavior so they are easy target to change ideology by those who are evil. all of the terrorism biggest problem is accidentially to killing innocent people. Generally, the pain innocence get and destroy wild life and air, water and affect on next generation. Leading the young and what to brainwash them as they are and themselves after that not turn back. Each of brainwash can be realised by a victim so bad clam will return to the sender. That is case a terror inside them and after they act as terrorist

Anyone must be condemn this act of terrorism particular young generations. All of people regardless their religion, race and origin must support it. In islamic ethical conducts of war, muslims are prohibited to attack a holly place of other believers, children, and women. As young generations can be recognize problems and can solve them. Hopes a peace of the world and free of poverty, unemployment, inequality and also free discrimination on the ground of race, color, language and gender. A world with creativity challenges and opportunities to conquer them. But let us convert these hopes in reality.

As I have suggested, not affected by the issues of terrorism and provocation and always provide your brain with positive knowledge. Understanding how ideology terrorism works to prevent it and make a knowledge about terrorism for adequate your ideology. To participate and active become agent of change in the prevention of terrorism.

Furthermore, the role of government and society justice surrounding people is important to improve education in our country particularly in young ideology of terrorism and give education comprehensive to students. Currently, in government it’s difficult to find expert people with frank and reliable. Provide deeper grasp of religion and introduces the young man about the history of the struggle of the state is required to developed the patriotic spirit in ourselves and grasp of religion properly and critically.

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