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Bumblebee without Sam, a Bread without Jam: "Transformer The Age of Extinction" Movie Review

6 Juli 2014   04:46 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   07:18 20
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Optimus Prime: This is not war, it's human extinction. – Submitted by Jacob B Finally, it comes to another sequel. I do believe that all of us has been waiting for it for such a long time. Me myself been quite surprise when I saw the movie poster on the cinema next to my office. I thought the third transformer is the end, seeing the fact that Megatron was finally died, which means that all of the possibilities of devil's power occurrence are gone. But, like many others, I was wrong. That's why, this fourth series is a bit misterious for me. What kind of continuance that the production team offers to us, all of the Transformer's lover? Well, It was a struggle for me, to even get a seat to see it on the second day it played in my city. I went to four cinemas and all full booked. But, yeah, you can call me crazy. I did try to see another opportunity to get a seat on the next day, and on the day after the next day, and dang still, got none! Okay, I got it on my third day trying... Decepticon's era are gone, substitute by human's war to all of left Autobots, which at the first time looks a bit classic to me. One human villain, cooperate with another misterious entity called "the creator", mass killing, politics, and underground movement, till the heroes showed up, a young Dad and scientist, Cade Yeager, together with Optimus Prime solved everything up and finally kill the badass in an organized sequence, so American movie. Transformer, as always, are doing great in its effect. We need to really raise our thumbs up to the graphic team. The way they put the gigantic robots inside a crowded city is still as smooth as before. But then, I figured out some weakness from this movie, compared to the previous three sequels: 1. The Power of Sam. What does Transformer means without Sam? Sam is being so clingy to these robots since the first sequel. His presence is the soul of the movie. Without Sam, somehow, I can feel that there is something is missing. 2. 2,5 Hours Duration Dang, it is a way too long. There is always a possibility that people will get bored and lost their interest towards the movie. 3. Too Many Characters The plot is so long and there are too many characters. These all new characters - to be honest - doesn't have a strong character and strong motives. It makes the whole plot seems a bit confusing. The scene's changing too fast. 4. Blank Spot As what I have mentioned previously, some of the new characters doesn't have a strong motives of doing their part. It makes it hard for us to relate between one and another event inside the movie. It leads to some blank spots,  a problem with no solution, a question with no explanation. Despite all of the weakness, I do still suggests you to watch this movie, on 3D. Get involve in the Autobots struggle, their disappointment, their hope and expectation to protect the human, and their upcoming War with a whole new Megatron, named Galvatron :)

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