The SBI has 250 branches in Kolkata, here are the top branches.
1. Alipore
SBI Alipore ifsc code is SBIN0000004 as per the information provided by RBI. SBI Alipore micr code is 700002002 as per RBI. SBI Alipore, kolkata, west bengal customer care phone number is 033-24798631 IP:500561. Full list of sbi codes site.
2. Ballygunge
SBI Ballygunge ifsc code is SBIN0000018 as per the information provided by RBI. SBI Ballygunge micr code is 700002010 as per RBI. SBI Ballygunge, kolkata, west bengal customer care phone number is IP:500537.
3. Barasat
SBI Barasat ifsc code is SBIN0000024 as per the information provided by RBI. SBI Barasat micr code is 700002184 as per RBI. SBI Barasat, kolkata, west bengal customer care phone number is 501486 TEL-03325523356/3740.
4. Bhowanipore
SBI Bhowanipore ifsc code is SBIN0000040 as per the information provided by RBI. SBI Bhowanipore micr code is 700002016 as per RBI. SBI Bhowanipore, kolkata, west bengal customer care phone number is 500531 TEL-247 52440/ 24545623/ 24860029.
5. Burra Bazar
SBI Burra Bazar ifsc code is SBIN0000050 as per the information provided by RBI. SBI Burra Bazar micr code is 700002019 as per RBI. SBI Burra Bazar, kolkata, west bengal customer care phone number is 033-22694626 IP 500886.