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Ustaz Yusuf Mansur, Indonesian Relegiopreneur Pioneer Who Combines Preaching And Business

4 Oktober 2024   13:05 Diperbarui: 4 Oktober 2024   13:25 40
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Ustaz Yusuf Mansur is one of the most influential figures in the development of sharia economics in Indonesia. Born in Jakarta on December 19, 1976, his life journey is full of inspiring dynamics, from adversity to becoming a respected religiopreneur in the country. His story is real proof that spirituality and entrepreneurship can go hand in hand to create a positive impact on society.

Yusuf Mansur's youth was colored by various life challenges that shaped his character. Born into a simple family in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta, he spent his childhood in an environment that taught religious values and hard work. His formal education was taken at an Islamic boarding school, but his life journey took an unexpected direction when he had to face difficult times in the late 1990s.

The turning point in Yusuf Mansur's life occurred when he had to serve a prison sentence due to debt problems. This experience, instead of making him depressed, became a spiritual momentum that changed his life. In his prison cell, he rediscovered his friendship with Allah through tahajjud and alms. His personal experience in practicing both of these things later became the foundation for his preaching and business later on.

After being released, Yusuf Mansur began his preaching from mosque to mosque by bringing a simple but powerful message about the virtues of charity and the mathematics of charity. His unique approach in explaining the concept of charity with mathematical calculations made his preaching easy to understand and accepted by various groups. His first book, "Wisata Hati Mencari Tuhan Yang Hilang," became the beginning of his success as a productive writer.

The year 2003 was an important milestone when he founded the Daarul Quran Islamic Boarding School in Tangerang. Unlike conventional Islamic boarding schools, Daarul Quran combines Quran memorization education with entrepreneurial development. His vision is to create a generation of Quran memorizers who are also economically independent. This program has grown rapidly and now has more than 100 branches throughout Indonesia.

Yusuf Mansur's biggest innovation in the world of sharia business was when he launched PayTren in 2013. This financial technology platform is designed to make it easier for people to carry out various digital transactions while implementing sharia principles. PayTren is not only a payment tool but also an economic empowerment platform that has given birth to thousands of new entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

The success of PayTren encouraged Yusuf Mansur to develop various other business initiatives. He built an integrated sharia business ecosystem, from sharia property to gold investment. His property projects, such as sharia housing and usury-free apartments, offer housing alternatives that are in accordance with Islamic principles for the Indonesian people.

The community economic empowerment program is the main focus in every business he runs. Through PPPA Daarul Quran, he developed various scholarship and assistance programs for the poor. The Productive Waqf Program that he initiated has helped build various educational and economic facilities that provide sustainable benefits to the community.

Yusuf Mansur's approach to business always emphasizes the concept of blessings and social benefits. He introduced the term "Sedekah Marketing" which integrates the practice of alms into business strategy. This concept is not only applied in his own business but is also taught to thousands of entrepreneurs through various seminars and trainings that he has attended.

His literary works have become national bestsellers and have influenced the way Indonesian people view Islamic finance. His books such as Kun Fayakun, Keajaiban Memberi, and Grafik Sedekah not only discuss spiritual aspects but also provide practical guidance in managing finances according to Islamic law.

Yusuf Mansur's contribution to the development of Islamic economics in Indonesia has received various recognitions. He received awards as Republika's Figure of Change (2010), Muslim Entrepreneur of the Year (2012), and the Indonesia Digital Economy Award (2018). However, the greatest achievement was when he saw the positive impact of his programs on improving the welfare of the people.

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