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Language Attitude's of ELESP Student Based on The Influence of Media

29 Mei 2024   14:51 Diperbarui: 29 Mei 2024   14:58 93
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

By:Siti Marwah Daud; Supervised by: Muziatun, S.Pd., M.App. Ling, PhD

In today's interconnected world, media has become an integral part of our daily lives, permeating various aspects of our existence, including our attitudes towards language. As students are exposed to a multitude of media sources, including television, movies, social media platforms, and music, the potential influence of these mediums on their language attitudes is a topic of significant interest. 

Understanding the relationship between media exposure and language attitudes can provide valuable insights into the factors that shape language learning, acquisition, and perceptions, ultimately informing educational practices and policies. Because media has a strong influence on how we perceive language and the people who speak or use it. 

These attitudes can motivate or hinder language learning and acquisition. By understanding the role of the media in shaping these attitudes, we can better address negative stereotypes, develop more inclusive educational practices, and encourage appreciation of language diversity. This knowledge can also guide strategies to revitalize threatened languages. In the end, by understanding the media's influence on language attitudes, we can lead to more effective language learning, preserve cultural richness, and unite groups across languages.

This theoretical frameworks have been proposed to understand language attitudes, like The Language Attitude Model (Bokhorst-Heng, 2008). These models contend that a variety of factors, including cultural convictions, societal norms, individual experiences, and exposure to media representations, influence language attitudes. (Brown, 1988).

Through technology, students nowadays regularly consume a wide range of English-language media, such as music, movies, and social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Regarding how correctly digital medium depicts English language in real life, their opinions depart from one another. While some believe that the common usage of slang and accents on social media is misleading, others believe that it is indicative of particular circumstances. 

Students' opinions on the cultural diversity of English are shifting as a result of this media exposure, and they are becoming more conscious of characteristics like accents. Others think that it has a real impact on their own English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation they may even pick up new terms from watching movies, for instance. Students typically see YouTube vlogs and tutorials and language study applications as more reliable sources of English. 

They believe that the media could be used more wisely if it offered engaging material that valued linguistic variety in order to encourage positive attitudes. They do accept, though, that linguistic attitudes are not just shaped by the media and that formal education, friendships, and personal experiences also play a big role. Overall, students who are exposed to English-language media report feeling more confident and motivated because they are comfortable using the language. Regarding TikTok, a student said, "It makes English feel more accessible when I hear it and use it naturally."

In conclusion, because they use gadgets almost every day, students are constantly exposed to English-language media, including music, movies, and social networking. Though opinions on how true this is to real-life English usage vary---some believe social media misrepresents English because of too much slang and accents---it is undeniable that this exposure changes people's perceptions of the language and raises awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity. 

The media, particularly movie speech, exposes children to a variety of terminology and accents, which affects their English language proficiency. Apps for learning languages and instructional videos on YouTube are considered as valid media. Students consider that interesting, instructive media that promotes different languages might encourage positive attitudes toward learning English. 

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