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Mustika Mauliddiana
Mustika Mauliddiana Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Psikologi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Saya adalah seseorang yang menjalani hidup dengan penuh semangat dan kegembiraan. Olahraga, membuat konten positif, membaca buku, dan memotivasi orang lain adalah bagian yang tidak pernah lepas dari diri saya. Olahraga bukan hanya untuk menjaga tubuh tetap bugar, tapi juga kesehatan mental. Saya senang berlari, bersepeda, badminton, basket, dan yoga untuk meningkatkan energi positif. Saya juga percaya konten positif memiliki dampak besar pada pikiran dan tindakan kita. Oleh karena itu, saya aktif menciptakan dan membagikan konten positif melalui media sosial dan blog pribadi saya. Membaca buku juga adalah kegiatan yang saya nikmati setiap hari. Saya menemukan kegembiraan dan wawasan baru melalui halaman-halaman buku. Selain itu, saya memiliki hasrat untuk memotivasi orang lain. Saya yakin setiap individu memiliki potensi luar biasa, dan saya senang berbagi semangat dan dukungan untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.



Ilmu Sosbud

The Effect of Education Discrimination on Self-Confidence

23 Desember 2023   23:34 Diperbarui: 25 Desember 2023   12:04 60
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Good education will determine the success of an individual. The education of a worker is very influential on the number of unemployed people in Semarang City, so with adequate education and expertise, they will succeed in getting a job (Suprayitno et al., 2017). Self-confidence can affect the competencies needed to be ready for work. Forming optimal self-development as a result of self-evaluation and reflection requires self-confidence, so that what will emerge is not only good self-assessment but at the same time can bring out the abilities it has (Pool & Sawell, 2007). Self-confidence is the initial characteristic that individuals must have in doing anything.   Self-confidence will arise due to a good self-concept of each individual. Self-concept is formed through experiences gained from interactions with the environment (Agustiani 2006). Limited educational experience will certainly hinder the level of self-confidence in the deterioration of the development of learner potential or one's success. This is in line with (Hurtado & Ruiz Alvarado, 2015) the experience of discrimination has a negative impact so that it can reduce the persistence of even high-achieving students.

Educational inequality, unfair treatment or exclusion of a person or group in access to education is called educational discrimination. As in research (Firdaus et al., 2018) discrimination in teaching staff, facilities and infrastructure which results in a teaching and learning process that is not optimal. This can cause educational limitations because education that is not maximized will hamper self-confidence for future success. Good self-confidence has confidence and always tries to develop its potential to the maximum and show the best of itself as evidenced by an achievement (Komara 2016). Thus, limited education will hinder him from developing his potential. Research on the effects of educational discrimination on self-confidence levels, overall, the more frequent discriminatory experiences, the lower students' confidence in their ability to graduate (Jakcson et al., 2023).

Summarizing the above, a good and adequate education is crucial in determining an individual's success. Adequate education can increase individual self-confidence. High self-confidence will affect individual abilities and competencies arising from the formation of self-concept, with a good self-concept will form positive self-confidence. Self-concept is influenced by experience, with limited educational experience or discrimination in education can hinder individual development and reduce their confidence and even their success. It can be concluded that educational discrimination will certainly affect a person's level of confidence both in finding a job, persistence, and even their success. Therefore, it is important to avoid discrimination and ensure fair access to education for all individuals.

The solution to this problem is the need for equal distribution of education with equal access to education, one of which is by implementing a zoning system. Educational inclusion needs to be overcome with two aspects that need to be considered, first, equal opportunities in obtaining access to education regardless of anything. Second, the availability of supporting facilities and professional teachers, so the zoning system accommodates these goals Nurlailiyah (2019). Protecting students by applying penalties for discrimination offenses is also one of the solutions in preventing educational discrimination. Set clear and firm consequences for discriminatory actions in the educational environment so that students not only get learning but are also comfortable with their learning situation. Child Protection guarantees and protects children and their rights so that they can live, grow, develop and participate as well as possible, in accordance with human dignity and protection from violence and discrimination (Carmela & Suryaningsi, 2021). It is hoped that discrimination in education can be reduced, so that it will increase individual self-confidence, create superior characters and be able to achieve success.

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