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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis of Behavioral Factors and Purchase Decisions in Business Markets

15 Januari 2023   21:39 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2023   21:52 242
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Social Variables include Culture, Sub Culture and Social Class: 

  • Culture is the most essential determinant of desire and behavior. Human behavior can be dictated by the way of life that surrounds it and its effects will forever change as a component of time. 
  • Subcultures Each culture has its simpler assembly, special ID and individual socialization, there are four types of subcultures, specifically public meeting, racial, strict and geological. 
  • Social class Social class is a rather homogeneous and suffering collection in a protracted enterprise and individuals at every level share similar qualities, interests, and behaviors

 2. Social influences Consumer habits

 Friendly factors like reference gatherings, family, financial security, and employment influence social factors as well.: 

  • Every group that directly affects a person's attitude or behavior is considered to be a member of that person's reference group.. 
  • Family is the primary reference group that most influences the decision to buy and use its products. 
  • Roles and Social Status include tasks that are anticipated to be completed by a person later in the role that will determine status.

3. Personal Factors 

The variables that create a person's choice to buy are also influenced by attributes of his character, including his age and life cycle stage, his occupation, his financial condition, his way of life, and his notion of self: 

  • Age and Life cycle Stage. Marketers often select groups based on life cycles as target markets. 
  • Work and Economic Environment is strongly influenced by one's work, circumstances and economic environment. 
  • Lifestyle describes the whole of a person interacting with his environment.

4. Psychological Factors

 Mental variables The decision to give someone also has five fundamental mental elements, in particular: inspiration, wisdom, learning, belief and perspective, such as character and self-idea. 

  • An individual's personal state of motivation encourages them to engage in specific behaviors in order to accomplish their goals. 
  • The process by which people choose, arrange, and interpret information inputs to form a meaningful picture of the outside world is known as perception.
  • A change in behavior brought on by experience is considered learning. Learning determines the majority of human behavior.
  • Picture of someone's thought about something that is believed.

According to (Utami et al., 2021:71) The nature of consumer actors has 3 characteristics: 

1. Dynamic Behavior of consumers.

Because individual consumers, consumer groups, and significant consumer associations constantly alter their thought, feeling, and behavior processes, it is said that consumer behavior is dynamic. The creation of a marketing strategy is difficult and challenging because of how dynamic the world is today. Strategies may work well in one situation but fall short in another. The reason being that in order to reach consumers, it must constantly make innovations. 

 2. Consumer Behavior Interaction 

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