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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis of Behavioral Factors and Purchase Decisions in Business Markets

15 Januari 2023   21:39 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2023   21:52 242
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The business market is a very large market where the business market suggests more money and property than customers. The business market can sometimes be compared to the consumer market. Both impact people who need to buy things to survive. But the business market can be different just like the consumer market. The concepts of units of purchase, types of options, and cycles of options included are where the main differences can be found between the two. The business market consists of all the organizations that buy goods and services and then use them to produce other goods and services to sell, rent, or give to others. Horticultural, fishing and forestry services are the main industries that make up the business market, along with mining, manufacturing, construction, transportation, correspondence, public foundations, banks, money and protection, manufacturing, and various administrative services. Offering business buyers involves more financial and in-kind commitments than offering business buyers. 

In the business market there will be competition with many producers offering the goods they produce to buyers. Competition in the business world has recently been getting tougher, global promotions are trying to compete with other companies, namely their competitors. 

With competition in the corporate market, every organization will find a way to create interaction in the development of merchandise and the nature of the workforce to attract consumer desires. The business market as a whole is a trade union that accepts the labor and products that organizations use in the creation of the various workforces and the products they sell, supply or obtain at various meetings, for example. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, Planning, Development, Transportation, Transportation Hub, Public Services, Banking, Finance, Protection, Naming and Administration. For example, a business exchange that includes goods manufactured by Goodyear tires for sale. 

To supply Goodyear with the materials they need to manufacture tires, various dealers sell rubber, steel, tools, and other products to Goodyear. The retailer receives the tires from Goodyear at that time, which then makes them available to 3 customers. In addition, Goodyear provides manufacturers with authorized tires, such as tires for new cars and replacement tires, for use by businesses that operate their own fleets of trucks, cargo and other types of general purpose vehicles. equipment, and other products to Goodyear. The retailer receives the tires from Goodyear at that time, which then makes them available to customers. 

In addition, Goodyear provides manufacturers with authorized tires, such as tires for new cars and replacement tires, for use by businesses that operate their own fleets of trucks, cargo and other types of general purpose vehicles. equipment, and other products to Goodyear. The retailer receives the tires from Goodyear at that time, which then makes them available to customers. In addition, Goodyear provides manufacturers with authorized tires, such as tires for new cars and replacement tires, for use by businesses that operate their own fleets of trucks, cargo and other types of general purpose vehicles. Definition of Business Market.

Definition of Business Market

In general, we know that the market is a medium of exchange between buyers who want goods or services and traders who provide them. According to(Kotler & Amstrong, 2011)Businesses typically deal with far fewer but much larger buyers than consumers do. The business market consists of all the associations that secure labor and products that are used to create different labor and products that are sold, rented or given away to others.

Competition in the business world is increasingly rife at this time, Global Marketing makes organizations try to compete with organizations that are different from their competitors. With competition in the business market, every organization makes strides in recognition of the creation cycle in the development of value for labor and products and can attract the interest and desire of buyers. Every company will find ways to engage in creative interaction in product development and workforce lineups to attract premium customers and make them want to have them as a result of market competition.

Consumer Behavior

It is important for manufacturers to understand how consumers feel about and like the products or brands they can buy. Manufacturers assess how well the goods they offer to customers satisfy their needs and wants due to increased competition, shifts in consumer preferences, and advances in technology. by being aware of consumer behavior, minimizing uncertainty in marketing initiatives, and predicting the impact of marketing choices.

According to Engel, Blackwell and Miniard, in (Utami et al., 2021) consumer behavior is defined as " actions that are directly related to purchasing, using, and discarding goods and services, as well as the decision-making processes that go before and after these actions.". The popularity of a product can be inferred from consumer behavior. To develop goods and services that guarantee the highest levels of satisfaction, marketers must understand consumer behavior.

According to (Tjiptono, 2003:59) The four main factors that influence consumer behavior provide clues and information about how manufacturers can reach and serve customers more effectively. these four aspects:

1. Social Variables

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