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Maria Grace Silia
Maria Grace Silia Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Guru

Guru Bahasa Inggris




Methods, Finding, Discusssion, and Conclusion (Types and Functions of Fillers)

25 November 2022   16:04 Diperbarui: 25 November 2022   17:40 443
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            To make the respondents spoke up during the role-play, I prepared a topic with some questions to be discussed by the respondents. The topic should be general and well-known so that every student could answer, explain, and even discuss the questions asked. Thus, I chose Petra Square Apartment as the topic for at least two reasons. First of all, the location of Petra Square Apartment was very near Petra Christian University so all students should know about the existence of this apartment. Secondly, at the moment of doing this research, the apartment was also in progress of being built in 24 hours, thus it brought some impacts to the environment, including to the students of Petra Christian University. In addition, the three questions about that apartment demanded the thought from the respondents, so they were expected to produce a lot of fillers. This really helped me in collecting the data about the types and the functions of fillers produced.


Pre-Recording Process

            After preparing the questions, I started the process of recording which took place in B building's class, ILC, and ASC because those places were quite comfortable for the respondents to have a light conversation.

            In order to get the data, I did the following steps. First of all, I introduced myself to my respondents and explained a little bit about my purpose of asking their favor. This was important in order to make them calm and feel safe. I was sure that it would make the process of recording run smoothly and I would get the data I wanted because they would trust me and it made them convenient.

            Then, I used informal/casual language to give the instruction about what they have to do because I considered that in such ages, people would be more comfortable and relax talking in casual language. So, I thought it would be easier to find the data if they felt comfortable and relax.

            After that, I showed the questions that would be discussed by them in pair. I asked them whether they need time to think about the answer or not. If they thought they need the time, I allowed them to think for around three until five minutes, but I forbade them to write the answer on a piece of paper since I needed the spontaneous and natural utterances. While they were thinking, I prepared my recorder device in my cell phone to record the conversation.

Recording Process

            When the respondents were ready, I started recording. The respondents opened the conversation with greeting before going deeper to the main topic. Then, the three questions mentioned in the instruments were asked and answered by the respondents in turn like a common conversation. However, they had to read the questions from a piece of paper that I gave because in order to get the valid data from all respondents, the questions asked should be the same. Finally, they ended the conversation with farewell. During this process, I did not talk or get involved in the conversation since I did my role just to record the conversation. Averagely, each group talked for four until six minutes.

Post-Recording Process

            After the recording process, I thanked my respondents for providing the time and willingly participating in my research. Then, I asked them to fill in the form that I had provided to get some information, such as their full names, their ID numbers, and their cell phone numbers. I also asked their permission to use their speech for my study.

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