Based on Table 4.2 which shows the functions of fillers used by both the first and the seventh semester students, we can see the differences and the similarities of those functions of fillers. First of all, we can see the comparison from the frequencies of each function of fillers used. Both the first and the seventh semester students used six out of seven functions of fillers, that is Filling the Pause, Hesitating, Interrupting, Holding a Conversation Turn, Empathizing, and Editing Term. One function of fillers which is Mitigating was not used by both the first and the seventh semester students. Overall, the students used fillers to hesitate as the most frequently used function, followed by to fill the pause in the second position, and to empathize in the third position.
Filling the Pause
A: Ya, actually we are the same. I also ee do not know ee either about the noise and the traffic jam that caused by the 24 hours constuc-construction a day.
      These ya and ee above are the examples of fillers that function to fill the pause. A said these utterances when A was talking about the negative impact of Petra Square Apartment's 24 hour construction work a day. A used ya and ee as fillers in order to fill the pause because maybe A needed time to breaks off the speech while continuing to articulate.
B: Because their noise ee the house become (.) what's that? (.) become broken.
      These ee, (.) and what's that? above are the examples of fillers that function to hesitate because those fillers help her/him to think about what B will say next. B got difficulty to find the right word to say, that is 'broken', so B produced some fillers.
C: Â ... it's very disturbing for the students and the all of the (--) people in this campus.
D: Â Yeah, and when this apartment is finished, would you rather live in this kind of apartment or in a boarding house?