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Mahipal Nehra
Mahipal Nehra Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Marketing Manager with Decipher Zone

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Top 7 Essential Skills for a DevOps Engineer

19 Januari 2023   17:17 Diperbarui: 19 Januari 2023   17:20 251
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Containerization Skills

  • LinuxOperating System

  • Security Skills

  • Understanding of DevOps Tools

  • Now that you have the list of essential skills for a DevOps engineer let us describe them in detail for your better understanding.

    Automation Skills

    Automation is the core of DevOps practice, it not only helps to automate the development process with the DevOps pipeline but also helps in enhancing the app's performance monitoring capabilities. The knowledge of several automation tools like Source Code Management (SCM), Puppet, Chef, and Ansible will be beneficial to acquire if you are in the DevOps field.

    Additionally, a DevOps engineer should also know how to automate the CI/CD cycles, configurations, infrastructure, and more.

    Cloud Platforms

    Cloud computing and DevOps go hand in hand. It aids DevOps by providing all the necessary cloud computing platforms to test, deploy, and launch the software. It facilitates a resource monitoring mechanism and also enables you to build the foundation for your infrastructure.

    Some of the most popular cloud platforms that you can add to your skillset are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure, and you should also have a strong grasp on some of the important cloud computing skills like network management and database management.

    Coding Skills

    It is an important skill that every DevOps engineer should possess and should also be taught about basic programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript, PHP, Node.js, and many more that add optional static typing.

    Containerization Skills

    It is a must-have skill for every DevOps engineer and aids with the completion of software development-related tasks efficiently which is secure, lightweight, and also high-performing. It is a technique that helps in packing applications in small chunks to deploy them quickly and also ensures that the applications on containers will run the same no matter where they are deployed. Some of the important containerization tools that you can consider learning are Docker Engine, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, OKD, Vagrant, and many more.

    Linux Operating System

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