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The Man Who Sold the World

19 Agustus 2010   06:26 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:53 135
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

The world always change its value depends on the man who owns it, and to sell the world means you must own it first. Of course, how could you sell something that did not belong to you? In the song Bowie describes the man who sold the world as a friendly figure, who had an understanding about one's search in life. Who had died, but still lives. Bowie did not say explicitly about the super-human figure that resurrect from their tomb, and then speak to him about wisdom. In my personal opinion they live forever through his work, his memoirs, his song, his paintings, and saying absurdly, his soul. Then, they can speak eternally, still take part in bargaining and selling the world.


Quoting Nietzsche "There are no facts, only interpretations," this is just my interpretation. This is my personal opinion. But again, the personal is political.

*Sorry for grammar error

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