The Indonesian government has not effectively identified or utilized Indonesia's competitive advantages and the types of products that Mexicans want to buy, we must strengthen marketing and market intelligence and promote through its socio-cultural programs while marketing internationally recognized brands of Indonesian products. In order to facilitate more intense business cooperation and people-to-people contact, Indonesia and Mexico must open direct transportation links. Indonesia-Mexico made a good start in 2013 with a codeshare agreement between Garuda Indonesia and Aeromexico, but it is still not enough. For the Sino-Mexican relationship, Aeromexico's direct flights between Tijuana and Shanghai opened in April 2008 (Dibble, 2010). This direct transportation network has facilitated and eased the flow of people between the two countries.
As suggested by Pramudyo (2004), the two countries need to establish a roadmap to build maritime cooperation, not only in the transportation and tourism sectors, but also to utilize existing potential, for example in ship communications and aquaculture. Pramudyo stated that, in this century, the maritime sector is an important resource for both countries and can be utilized by society as a source of food and medicine. Indonesia can also reinvigorate its sports cooperation by sharing best practices in low profile cooperation such as natural disaster management and human trafficking issues. For sports cooperation, in 1964, former prominent Indonesian badminton player Mr. Tan Joe Hok became a badminton coach at Deportivo Chapultepec, Mexico City (Pramudyo, 2004). Mexicans love sports; thus, there is a great opportunity to promote Indonesian sports such as badminton, pencak silat, and sepak takraw by sending coaches to Mexico.
With a very clear agenda, Mexico can also seek to become an integral player in the Asia Pacific region, for example by participating in political and security dialog with ASEAN. Mexico's current president expects Mexico to be able to play an increasing role in the world as a middle power. But to achieve this goal, for example in the Asia Pacific region and ASEAN, Mexico must have a very clear agenda and needs to have a strong political will accompanied by stronger efforts.
 Both sides recognize the potential that both countries can gain from strengthening bilateral relations. At present, both are secular and democratic countries with open and fast-growing economies and complemented by good and friendly relations; then, to achieve more dynamic, progressive, and mutually friendly relations between the two countries, and ultimately to upgrade diplomatic relations to a Comprehensive Partnership seems to be a real goal to be achieved.
Nama saya Maf’Ulillahi Zakinah, dari Prodi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta Akreditasi "B" Angkatan 2022. Sejak duduk di  sekolah dasar,saya menyukai Maudy Ayunda, Oxford dan segala pencapaian akademisnya. Sejak saat itu saya tertarik dengan dunia luar mulai dari culture budaya, kuliner, cara berpakaian dan segala yang berbeda dari apa yang biasa saya lihat di Indonesia. Pada awalnya saya hendak mengambil jurusan antropologi, namun tekad untuk ke luar negri suatu hari nanti menuntun saya mengambil prodi Hubungan Internasional yang nampaknya lebih dekat untuk  membawa saya bergabung dalam lembaga dan organisasi internasional seperti PBB atau UNICEF.
 Apabila harus memilih dosen atau mata kuliah favorit, sejujurnya saya tidak tahu. Semuanya punya kelebihan dan kekurangan, saya tertarik pada semua mata kuliah asalkan tidak berhubungan dengan angka, saya tertarik untuk menemukan korelasi dan keterikatan antar mata kuliah sebagaimana saya senang mengamati prilaku manusia dan alasan dibaliknya. Namun apabila dipaksa memilih, saya akan memilih Bapak Dr. Mustaqim Pabbajah,M.A. selaku dosen agama saat semester 1. Beliau mampu menjelaskan agama diselingi filosofi namun tetap relevan dengan zaman sekarang, selalu datang tepat waktu dan sering menceritakan pengalaman beliau yang menarik dan memotivasi meskipun terkesan sombong di mata beberapa mahasiswa lain.
Saya belum memutuskan akan mengambil konsentrasi publik/bisnis karna analisis yang saya lakukan terhadap dua pilihan tersebut belum cukup membantu saya untuk menentukan pilihan, sebab meski tahu hidup seperti apa yang ingin saya jalani di masa depan saya tetap tidak punya cita-cita pasti.
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