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Utilization of Technology for World Peace

3 September 2011   04:16 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:16 30
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There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.

There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.

You feel it, don't you?

-Jalalludin Rumi

Peace, is not defined with how around treat as individual. It is all about individual treat as around. Our heart is. Peacefulness comes from our heart, which means it posses our mind, body, and soul, then the surroundings. Realize that the only matter is how we could make our heart feel a piece of peacefulness.

As youth rule of thumb, open minded will give a guidance to make a piece of peacefulness. Do not cover over your mind to look for something new and different (in positive ways) from your thought, you will find there is somebody out there who has something to share within the conversation. It makes senses if you cover your mind by saying no, no possibilities will come through.

Realized by youth now, they love to discuss about everything, they love to find the convergence from the difference within. Nowadays, from all conversations they made, almost by using technology. Highly appreciate to the founder of Internet, which make no distances between cities, countries, or continents. As a tool, social network is kind of product from technology that help people communicate with each other using internet. In example, travelling, all people nowadays love that kind of thing. Of course, it is more loveable if the places those become destination have a guide through in. Youth, or mostly common people love to have guide, which has ability to sensing the place in personal. Therefore, the essence of a place could become a bond between two different culture and point of view. It could happen with utilizing internet, and social network that offer hospitality for backpackers or the treasurer of culture and reality to meet native people. Once more, highly appreciate for the founder of social network that could make everyone with different country, and never meet before, meet to share point of view in person. That is, nothing will happen if people do not have courageous to open their minds. From this interaction between guide-to-traveler (in this concern is youth-to-youth, who has a passion to travel everywhere and try something new) we expect that sharing opinions will lead them to bring solutions for technology in the future.

Let us prove two things. First, utilization of technology for world peace could do in a simple way. Second, youth could become an activator for world peace. A theory said if youth has intention to do something out of their minds, they could do anything as well as to bring it into reality. As I said implicitly in travelling case beforehand, in my opinion, our cyber friends could be our friends in reality afterwards. Why do not you use a technology to share opinions and make a community those friends with everything? World has changing, so do the people. If people in early revolution of industry were egocentric, now they do not. They just need a time to muse and discuss every opinion.

I said before about friends of everything. This is just because world peace would not happen if there were no synchronization between human and environment factors. Invite friends in your community to take care about global problem. As youth, we are leader to be. We are well-educated youth in different background of education that possibly has different opinion and ways to cogitate over the global problems. Combine it with technologies that make our live simpler but green for environment.

Therefore, world peace is not merely about human-to-human relations, but also synchronization from human-environment-human relations. To bring peace among people, it started from individual (in this concern, youth) then posses surroundings while technology become a tool within. In my concern, the foremost youth-to-youth gathering from different educational backgrounds is to encourage opinions, which will resolve global problem and utilize the technology, which is green for human-environment-human relations.

Everything started from our heart, from a simple thing, and from now on

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