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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis of Cultural Diplomacy Theory and Analytical Approach in Viewing JKT48's Representation of AKB48

11 Januari 2024   12:02 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   23:51 109
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In the world of international relations, diplomacy is an important tool that a country must have to achieve its own national interests. These interests are not only focused on military and economic interests, but also in the cultural field. Culture itself plays an important role in diplomacy because it can be used effectively as a tool for soft power diplomacy. Soft power itself is an attraction that a country has to achieve its goals by influencing other actors without using coercion and force. For Japan and Indonesia, the use of cultural diplomacy is one of the efforts to strengthen the friendship between the two countries. In its implementation, both countries conduct cultural diplomacy through the representation of the idol girl band in the form of JKT48, which was formed as a means of diplomacy itself in realizing Indonesia's national interests through the cultural field. JKT48's role as a means of diplomacy is to promote Indonesian culture through events both nationally and internationally.

From the implementation of cultural diplomacy, it can be analyzed through the theory of public diplomacy and analytical approach, which will then be discussed below:

Analysis of Public Diplomacy in Terms of JKT48's Representation of AKB48

In analyzing the public diplomacy of JKT48's representation of AKB48, it is also necessary to consider the influence of Indonesian culture in this cultural diplomacy. JKT48, as an Indonesian idol group, has promoted Indonesian culture such as batik, traditional food and Indonesian language when they have performed as guest stars in Japan. This shows that cultural diplomacy not only promotes the culture of the sending country, but also the culture of the receiving country. In addition, the role of JKT48 in bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan needs to be further analyzed, including its impact on the image and relations between the two countries. Cultural diplomacy through JKT48's representation can also affect bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Japan, such as in the field of agriculture and food. Therefore, the impact of JKT48's cultural diplomacy on Indonesia-Japan bilateral relations and the influence of Indonesian culture in this cultural diplomacy need to be further researched.

When conducting cultural diplomacy, it is important to consider the cultural differences between the sending and receiving countries. The process of crafting business messages in cultural diplomacy must also take these cultural differences into account. In addition, the use of appropriate language and intonation must also be considered in cultural diplomacy. This shows that cultural diplomacy is not only about promoting culture, but also about considering linguistic and cultural aspects in communicating messages. Overall, JKT48's representation of AKB48 is a clear example of how cultural and public diplomacy can influence bilateral relations between Indonesia, Japan, China, and South Korea. JKT48 is a representation of AKB48 in Indonesia and has an important role in supporting Japanese popular culture diplomacy in Indonesia In the context of public diplomacy, JKT48 can be seen as an instrument to strengthen relations between Indonesia and Japan through culture JKT48 also has an important role in showing elements of Indonesian culture through their musical works In addition, JKT48 also promotes the popularity of an artist and provides interesting language learning content Thus, JKT48 has an important role and benefit in supporting Japanese popular culture diplomacy in Indonesia and strengthening relations between Indonesia and Japan through culture. Although JKT48 is a representation of AKB48, they have a unique role in supporting Japanese popular culture diplomacy in Indonesia and strengthening relations between Indonesia and Japan through culture. Further analysis of the impact, strategies, and implications of these representations can provide deeper insights into the role of cultural diplomacy in international relations, including the influence of Indonesian culture in this cultural diplomacy.

JKT48, as a representation of AKB48, has a similar concept in the application of music and design in the costumes used in each performance. In each activity, JKT48 often shows a form of Japanese cultural tradition called Ojigi. Ojigi () is a Japanese culture of bowing when greeting, apologizing, showing gratitude, or as a form of respect. Ojigi is usually performed at the end of every JKT48 performance, both inside and outside the theater. The habit of lowering the body position performed by JKT48 members has the purpose of showing their gratitude to the fans. In addition, JKT48 members often use Japanese vocabulary such as ohayou (good morning) and arigatou (thank you) in their performances. Likewise, when AKB48 wore seifuku (Japanese school uniform) in their performance, JKT48 also represented it by using white and gray clothes that characterize school uniforms in Indonesia.

Analytical Approach to JKT48's Representation of AKB48

The analytical approach that is a foreign policy towards a country is influenced by the domestic and national interests of the country itself. For example, the occurrence of cultural diplomacy between Japan and Indonesia through idol groups representing JKT48 against AKB48. National interests are vital elements that include the survival of the nation and state, independence, territorial integrity, security, military, and economic welfare. Domestic interests are contained in the activities carried out by JKT 48 in promoting culture in Japan and Indonesia so that domestic needs are met, such as increasing the economy and services of Indonesian companies in Japan. Increased economy in terms of meeting community needs such as, first, the empowerment of women through JKT48 members, where cultural diplomacy can support the empowerment of women by providing a platform for them to develop in the arts (dance, music, dance, etc.) and entertainment industry (music industry, television and entertainment industry, digatal and social media industry, and tourism and event industry). Second, the improvement of community welfare through the success of JKT48 which can have an impact on the economy and social by creating jobs and employment opportunities in various professions such as (event management, costume design, creography, production staff, puppets) and increase tourism promotion and local economy through concerts and events held by JKT48 which often attract fans from different regions to provide a boost to the local tourism sector such as (increased tourist visits, retail director sales and products, and culinary businesses).

For example, Indonesia's national interest is to improve bilateral relations between the two countries and to be recognized by the international community, while Japan's national interest is to use cultural influence to look attractive in the eyes of the international community so that countries around the world want to cooperate with Japan.  Through soft power, Japan attracts the attention of other countries to conduct cooperative relations, and this helps the Land of the Rising Sun to realize its national interests. Japan often provides assistance to Indonesia, such as assistance to alleviate poverty, to increase economic growth, to build a just and prosperous society, to protect the environment, and to promote peace. Conversely, Indonesia often sends raw materials for Japanese production and even for the needs of the Japanese people, such as gas and oil. The cooperative relationship between two countries in this world is basically inseparable from the national interests of each country. In the context of the analytical approach, the interests of the two countries greatly influence the policies that will be made or carried out by the two countries. According to a leading political scientist in the science of international relations. Kenneth N. Waltz himself describes the analytical approach as a theoretical approach that focuses on the structure of the international system. And other experts such as Joseph S. Nye Jr. also emphasize the importance of power analysis in international relations, detailing the various dimensions of power that affect interactions between states. The power used in cultural diplomacy between Indonesia and Japan The approach in the analytical approach, which includes several aspects, namely, this approach assumes that states or other actors act based on rational interests and follow certain logical patterns, using formal analytical methods such as mathematical models or statistical analysis to develop theories and understand events in international relations, also seeks to support its theoretical claims with empirical data or previous research.

Nama saya Lukluulhayu Nurjannah, dari progam studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta dengan Akreditasi B Angkatan 2022. Motivasi saya mengambil prodi HI adalah untuk lebih mengenal isu-isu yang terjadi di dunia internasional dan mengetahui bagaimana suatu negara dapat menjalin kerjasama serta didasari oleh hal apa yang bisa dikaitkan melalui teori-teori pendahulu. Karena itu, saya harus membuka pengetahuan, wawasan, dan pengalaman dalam hubungan internasional. Maka atas dasar alasan ini, saya menyukai mata kuliah yang berhubungan dengan politik dan kerjasama antar negara seperti sistem politik, diplomasi, politik internasional, hak asasi manusia, dan organisasi kerjasama internasional. Dosen favorit saya adalah Bapak Adi Wibawa, S.IP.,  M.A. , Ibu Chusnul Chotimah, S.I.A., M.A. , Lucitania Rizky, S.IP., M.A Untuk rencana saya di semester depan adalah mengambil konsentrasi publik, sebab saya tertarik akan bagaimana bisa berhubungan dengan banyak orang.

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