Mohon tunggu...
truth _said
truth _said Mohon Tunggu...

someone who deeply loves Islam and highly wishes the world to be peaceful with the presence of fundamental Islam. May Allah always shows us the straight path on this very long and though journey until we die.




Salah satu kecurangan PBB??MUST SEE!!

8 Agustus 2010   10:34 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:13 537
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

This MTV advertisement was

canceled by US government.

It was aired only ONCE..

AIDS Victims all over the world

next to the towers: “2.863 people died”

next to the guy: “40 milllion of HIV infected in the world.”

“The world united against terrorism. It should also be unitedagainst AIDS

HUNGER has killed more more people in the world than terrorizm

next to the towers: “2.863 people died

Next to the kid:: “824 million people starving in the world”.

“The world united against terrorism.

It should also be united  against   HUNGER.”

It seems like PBB forget them

Next to the towers: “2.863 people died”

Next to the old man:“630 million of homeless people in the world”.

The world united against terrorism.It should also be unitedagainst POVERTY”.

Solidarity is needed.

- Help, donate, sponsor –

This advertisement was forbidden, but not

everything can be hidden

Thank you...MTV

Silahkan menafsirkan sendiri maksud dari iklan di atas, serta kaitkan dengan kenyataannya sekarang??

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Mohon tunggu...

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