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Lona Hutapea
Lona Hutapea Mohon Tunggu... Wiraswasta - Student

Lifelong learner. Memoirist.




Brain Clock

12 April 2010   21:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:50 87
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You must have heard the term ‘body clock’ or ‘biological clock’, which separates ‘larks’ from ‘owls’ or ‘an early bird’ from ‘a nocturne’. A part of the ‘body clock’ is the ‘brain clock’. Some people are most active, creative, and ready to do the most difficult part of their daily jobs early in the morning, while some others feel that they are more productive during later time of the day and therefore prefer to save the complicated tasks to be settled in the afternoon, evening, or even very late at night. There is one thing I’ve noticed happening to myself for years. As happens to most of us, there are times when tough problems remain unsolved – be it work-related or personal – and they keep lingering in our minds for the rest of the day. They stay with us whether or not we realize, taken into our sleeps, influencing our subconscious minds, and most of the time they turn into dreams. That sort of thing also happens to me sometimes. And in my case all these years, the so-called ‘brain clock’ works most perfectly very early in the morning, some time before I awake, when my eyes are still tightly closed. The answers, the solutions to tough problems almost always come at this kind of time. [caption id="attachment_117104" align="alignleft" width="151" caption=""][/caption]

It seems to me that I can think it all over most clearly when I'm still asleep. I don’t know whether or not it’s scientifically feasible. All I know is that my brain ‘seems’ to work best finding solutions when I’m not even opening my eyes. It is neither a dream nor a thought originally comes from my own mind. It’s just like something suddenly appears in my mind, like someone pushing a button and… voila… there comes the solution, or at least the direction which I should follow.

Some scientists or psychologists might say that it is my own brain that is working subconsciously ; ‘the power of human mind’… etc, as they always put it. But I know for sure and believe wholeheartedly that it is God's way of revealing hidden things to me.

According to psychologist Pierre Janet, the term ‘subconscious’ is defined as 'existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond conscious awareness' ( The phrase ‘beneath and beyond conscious awareness’ reflects something far above our understanding. I personally take them as God’s interference in helping me out in times of trouble.

An old gospel song citing Lamentations 3:22-24 says:

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never come to an end They are new every morning, new every morning Great is Thy faithfulness o Lord Great is Thy faithfulness”

We are ever grateful for His ‘steadfast’ love that by definition means ‘unwavering’, or ‘firmly established’; and for His mercies that are always freshly renewed every morning. They are mostly understood as the new day, new sunshine, new life, new beginning… an endless list of new things He already provides for the day. And I just want to add to the list my personal experience – His revelations to my subconscious mind.

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