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Moh Luthfi Zaidit Taqwa
Moh Luthfi Zaidit Taqwa Mohon Tunggu... pelajar/mahasiswa -

I'm a student of English Literature at one university in Yogyakarta (Gadjah Mada University) who like everything enjoyable and containing an useful matter




Human and Social Life

28 Februari 2012   18:11 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   08:46 125
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Human being always can't stand alone in this world. they need another people to make one interaction. this is already become a human characteristic. they need to have a friend in order to be a communication place.

firstly when a human was born in this world. they directly meet their parents as the first interaction. everyone believe without parents an infant won't be able to speak even for one language. they won't know the way to life in this world because there is no one people who teach him everything about life.

people will growth from infant into a child. when the first experience was introduced by their parents. then for the better life, every parents surely send their children into school. the procession of studying itself of course always use language as media of communication. in this first developing people. we can see the important of social life.

until the time of adult people, they always need another one to be a friend of communication. they need that to be a friend of discussion and then it'll become one cognition to consider the measure of student's diligent.maybe one student can't be called as smart when there isn't another student who more stupid than the smart one.

this is a life,when there is no communication in this world. everyone believe that there is no life in this world. after the student get some knowledge in the school. they use it for making a better life with applied it in his carrier. in this world, one people still has to communicate with some partner in business to get an income from his job. he also need some workers and also some servants too who'll help around the office.

in the more specific life especially in the privacy life, people also need a woman to become his couple. it is because he have one affection feeling to be given with her. this is also the step of continuing people life, because if there isn't a reproduction. there is no human again in this world. after this human life will repeat from the first until he dead.

because of human being also has a feeling. they will express something in communication depend on the'll affect the integrity to inviting relation with another people. in this way, people has to feel sure and comfortable with firstly impression so that he will trust with us. he also must keep has to keep his politeness to continue into another steps of making relation with another people.

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