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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Utilization of Big Data and Protection of Consumer Privacy in The Digital Ecomony Era

27 Oktober 2023   13:00 Diperbarui: 27 Oktober 2023   13:05 46
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony


The presence of the internet has revolutionized the way the world works so quickly. The world is now entering an era of digitalization, namely an era that emphasizes digital economy patterns and big data. Big Data involves processes of data creation, storage, information extraction, and analysis that are prominent in terms of volume, velocity, and variety. For industry or practitioners, big data has opened up opportunities to determine business strategies. This research wants to see to what extent Big Data technology has been used in Indonesia by both government and private institutions, what the challenges are in its implementation, and what impact the application of Big Data has on consumer privacy. The research method uses literature review with a traditional-conceptual approach. Primary data are journals that have been published related to the topic the author is studying and several reports sourced from social media. Conclusion: The use of Big Data in Indonesia has begun to grow both in the business sector and in the public sector. The current challenges are more about how companies optimize the data they have, and regarding privacy violations, there is a need for legal certainty and an understanding of ethics in the use of information technology.

Big data technology
This process aims to ensure that every business, organization or individual that is able to process this data can obtain deeper information (insights) that will trigger decision making and business action that relies on these insights, not based solely on instinct.

Challenges of implementing big data
From the research results, it is concluded that consumer behavior in the digital society will be influenced by an increasing number of possibilities that lead to emergent and unpredictable behavior and there is a tendency for future generations to want to have unlimited access to internet content but on the other hand they are reluctant to pay. Apart from that, the main challenges in utilizing Big Data include exploration of Big Data which is a complex process, the absence of clear governance in the utilization of Big Data, limited time, costs, expensive costs and the lack of software that can be used to analyze data in Indonesian language as well as human resources for Big Data development. So the current challenges are more about how companies optimize the data they have, to provide a positive impact.

Big data and consumer privacy protection
As the amount of data in cyberspace increases, privacy protection for users is increasingly reduced. The reason is, because the more data there is, the more difficult it is to protect the privacy of each user from threats from outside parties. Another factor that further strengthens this also comes from the increasingly high level of public interest in cyberspace. This ultimately makes privacy increasingly worthless. (Edmon Makarim). Of course, improper use of big data like this will be detrimental to consumers. Consumers are placed at the lowest level in dealing with the behavior of entrepreneurs.

What to do
The proposals needed regarding consumer protection regulations are as follows:
1. Create a consumer protection system that contains elements of open access and information, and guarantees legal certainty.
2. Provide protection to consumers from deceptive and misleading business practices.
3. Integrate the implementation, development and regulation of consumer protection with protection areas in other fields; Bait and Switch adv, Mock-up-adv etc.
4. The public is given a thorough understanding of ethics in information technology so that they can protect themselves from abuse of privacy, whether from other people or the state.


Vience Mutiara Rumata, " Peluang dan Tantangan Big Data dalam Penelitian Ilmu Sosial: sebuah Kajian Literatur", Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi dan Opini Publik, Vol 20, No 1. Agustus 2016.

Hapnes Toba,"Big Data: Menuju Evaluasi Era Informasi Selanjutnya", Conference paper, April 2015, (www.

Aleksandra Krajnovic , "Digital Marketing andbehavioral Economics", Conference paper, October 2016, http//

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