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If I were a President, What would I Do to Fight Covid-19?

6 April 2020   12:52 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   15:37 427
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At present Indonesia has almost 200 people who died of this coronavirus. numbers that show people who are infected are increasingly rising. This global pandemic also has many impacts, such as lack of socialization, Indonesia's economy down, many jobs or activities that must be postponed, and others. 

The spread of this virus very quickly, especially by touching the limbs especially in the face such as nose, eyes and mouth. Therefore maintaining good health and hygiene is very important in preventing covid 19. If I were a president, I would do a number of things against covid-19. 

First, before the outbreak of this virus enters Indonesia, I will make the decision to close all flight access so that foreigners do not enter Indonesia to prevent this coronavirus. By closing all access flights, indeed the impact is quite large because there is no income. 

However, this is very important for the future because in my opinion this is the main reason for the spread of this coronavirus. If from the beginning it has been closed and there must not be foreign members who enter Indonesia then there will be no corona virus that enters and even if there may not be many and not widespread. 

Secondly, if it is already endemic in Indonesia soon, maybe I will take a policy to stay at home and all access on the streets will be closed. Even if there are people who have an interest in being required to leave, there are already officers who guard to check the truth and check whether they are positive corona or not. 

Third, I will work together with the Ministry of Health and health workers and conduct checks on every citizen by visiting every home in Indonesia to find out whether they have corona or not, and if they will be immediately taken to the hospital and will be isolated. 

Fourth, I will ask all shopping centers, tourist attractions, offices, schools, and others to be closed temporarily for the common good. Except for the supermarket. 

Today there are also many workers who complain of government policies by being told to stay at home, they complain because if they are at home they do not get income for their family needs. 

Therefore if I become president I will help the people by giving money every month for them to buy their needs, especially for people in need such as parking attendants, online motorbikes, street vendors, and others. 

Beside that, I will also immediately ask for help from China by sending a special doctor of Covid-19 to be brought to Indonesia to handle this coronavirus outbreak. In this situation, helping and needing each other is very much needed for every country because this epidemic is not an ordinary epidemic and the virus that is booming right now is very dangerous for us, of the community so cooperation is needed for each of us. 

And I, as the president, will not cover up information about covid 19. I want to be open and transparent so that the public also knows what is happening and is needed right now. I also believe that with this global pandemic we are all being tested. And I'm sure that we can fight covid 19 together.

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