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In god we trust




Cultural Values

12 September 2022   18:09 Diperbarui: 12 September 2022   18:14 69
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The first community to which a person is attached and the first institution under which they learn to live is their family (Samovar, 2016, p.72). Every value, belief, and cultural heritage that a child acquires come from the family. To help its people develop their identities is one of any culture's most significant duties (Samovar, 2016, p. 72). I recently spoke with my parents to find out what cultural values they would pass on to me from their parents.

They told me to constantly depend on God as the first lesson. The most important messages are conveyed through the family and religious social structures (Samovar, 2016, p. 71). Believing that even when you are walking through the darkest valley, God is always with you and that you will never be alone. And trusting that each step you take, each person you meet, and everything that has occurred to me has been planned and brought about for a purpose---to lead us to the location that God has chosen.

Always be honest in all areas of your life. My family places a high importance on honesty; it is one of the fundamental principles that no member of the family can compromise. Honesty must be practiced in every part of life, including at work and in the family, community, and neighborhood. Even more, you must never engage in corruption when you are in a position of authority, such as when you hold a high position in an organization.

Be kind at all times, no matter what. One of the ethics I've learned since I was a young child is to be kind. Even though, when we kind to other people we expect that other people to do the same, this is often not the case. Therefore, never show them the same disrespect in return when you receive it from someone else. Always keep in mind that being kind is the only way to avoid receiving unkind treatment from others.

The world is unfair, get used to it. The world will simply be unjust to each and every one of us because some individuals are born in a castle, and some are born in a barn. Even if we treat others with kindness and respect, not everyone will like us for it. Therefore, we will encounter unjust behavior from other people along the route. My parents warned me not to take revenge on them because even though the world may be harsh, God is always fair. So, God will make up for every injustice you experienced throughout your life.

All of the things that has been mentioned above are the life ethics and cultural values that has been passed down to generation to generation. Through everyday life those values have been taught and shaped what I am today, and those values are creating an identity of who I am. The family has the biggest role in the early stages of the socialization process, which shapes a child's identity (Samovar, 2016, p.72). The opposite of those values are the things that cannot be tolerate.

Reference: Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E., McDaniel, E. R., & Roy, C. S. (2016). Communication between cultures. Cengage Learning.

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