Originally penned as part of Leni Marlina's personal poetry collection in 2020, this poem was edited and published for the first time in digital media in 2024.
Leni Marlina has served as a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, since 2006. The author is also the founder and head of several literary and educational communities, including the World Children's Literature Community (WCLC), the POETRY-PEN International Community, and the Indonesian Poetry Reading and Writing Community (PPIPM: Pondok Puisi Inspirasi Masyarakat).
Additionally, the author founded and leads two English courses: ECSC (English Children's Literature Smart Course) and MEC (Marvelous English Course), as well as a digital-based social community, Starcom Indonesia (Starmoonsun Eduprenuer Community Indonesia). As an active member of the SATU PENA Writers Association in West Sumatra, the author is also involved in international collaborations, such as the Victoria Writers Association in Australia and the ACC International Writers Community in Hong Kong.
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