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Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang
Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Negeri Padang

Dosen Tetap Departemen Bahasa Inggris FBS UNP




You are in My Thought

21 September 2024   22:37 Diperbarui: 22 September 2024   10:03 181
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You are in My Thought
A Poem by Leni Marlina

Amidst the racing seconds of time,  
you appear like a faint imprint on sand,  
erased by the wind, yet never truly gone.  
Your visage adorns the sky of my soul,  
dancing among the clouds of indelible memories,  
like twilight, always knowing when to return home.

In my recollection,  
you are a flash of light from a phone screen,  
flitting by yet leaving a bright trace.  
Not eternal, yet enduring,  
like a star that twinkles for a moment,  
only to dissolve into the inevitable dark of night.

To me, you are  
like the final note of an old song,  
echoing in the corners of my mind,  
even though the melody no longer plays.  
Your voice still reverberates between the walls of time,  
not lost, merely transformed into a quieter echo.

Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 2024

This poem was originally written in Indonesian language as a personal poetry collection by Leni Marlina in 2023. It was edited, translated, and published for the first time in digital media in 2024. Its Indonesian original title is "Engkau Dalam Pikiranku" which is available on

Since 2006, Leni Marlina has served as a lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Arts at Universitas Negeri Padang. She is also the founder and head of the World Children's Literature Community (WCLC) and the POETRY-PEN International Community. Additionally, she has been an active member of the Indonesian Writers Association SATU PENA West Sumatra and is involved with the Victoria Writers Association in Australia, as well as being a member of the Hong Kong ACC International Writers Community.

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