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Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang
Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Negeri Padang

Dosen Tetap Departemen Bahasa Inggris FBS UNP




Amidst the Tears of Gaza's Weeping

22 Juli 2024   10:37 Diperbarui: 22 Juli 2024   10:45 37
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Amidst the Tears of Gaza's Weeping

By: Leni Marlina*

In the ruins of Gaza city, where the sky witnesses the sorrows of children,
Stars ignite, casting light upon inevitable sadness, where hope dims.
The wind's hum carries tales of sorrow, encircling souls mourning under the weight of weary earth,
Like the moon, faithfully watching, soothing hearts with gentle gleam.

Clouds shed tears of oppression, painting a picture of despair in silent nights,
While the wind, a mute witness, narrates the endless saga of battles.
Mountains, once standing proud, now bow beneath profound suffering,
Their peaks mourn for fallen warriors, guardians of Palestine's future.

Rivers flow with stories, each droplet a witness to bravery and fear,
Singing songs of resistance, their currents defeating the cruelty of tyrants.
The sun, a shining hero, paints fiery beginnings full of strength,
Urging fighters to rise from ashes, drowning tyranny's darkness in unquenchable light.

In a land ravaged by chaos and conflict, their voices echo like storms in the sky,
A symphony of resistance, a lighthouse illuminating despair.
For amidst Gaza's destruction, among ruins and chaos,
Amidst the tears of Gaza's weeping, amidst struggle and hope,
The spirit of Palestine continues to blaze, untouched by towering cruelty.

*First written in Leni Marlina's personal poetry collection on July 18, 2023. The original poem title in Indonesian language is "Diantara Derai Air Mata Gaza"

**Since 2006, the author has served as a permanent lecturer at the alma mater in the Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang. Additionally, she has been an active member of the Satu Pena West Sumatra Writers Association since 2022, and Victoria Writers in Australia since 2012.

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