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Friend Tracking

15 Mei 2010   05:23 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:12 142
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Thanks to cell-phones, coz you don’t need to put on chip detector in your hubby’s body just to find out where he is. Three months ago my hunk invited me to join Google Latitude, which I could use for viewing which city and which street my hunk was in, including its map. I said it was an interesting application, coz I didn’t live with him, so it often made problems for me to find him out. I meant, if he was on X Street, I could ask him for buying me fried duck. Or if he was in the market, I could ask him for buying me smoke fish. (It’s all about meal wishlist! :-p) [caption id="attachment_141368" align="alignright" width="199" caption="Screenshot from Google Latitude. Photo from"][/caption] But then I found out that this friend tracking by cellphone wasn’t as cool as it looked. Google Latitude was only applicable in cellphone, while my cell wasn’t sophisticated enough for using Latitude. (Made me suddenly wanna buy a new cell.) Then, my hunk’s condition in Latitude didn’t always tell the truth. For example, if he went to mall and updated his Latitude, then the Latitude would show that he was in the mall. But if he left the mall, went home, and forgot to update his Latitude, then until forever I would always assume that he was still in the mall and I would be confused why he didn’t go home, coz I only viewed him in Latitude without contacting him directly. Last week, I checked my cell’s pulse, then suddenly I received notification from my cell operator that I could track my friend by pressing *250#. The instruction said that I should register the name of the friend that I would track, and then the operator would ask the friend’s permission that I wanted to track him. If the friend allowed, the operator would text me that the friend was around X Street, on Y City. If I would love to, the operator could just send me MMS, attached with the road map where the friend was. I just need to pay the SMS or MMS. Isn’t it cool, huh? Well, I said to my hunk, “Dear, if I use this, I don’t need to ask you anymore where you are.” I just worried that if I rang him, he was driving and he couldn’t resist to answer my phone. Although I just wanna know where he was, if he’d already got lunch or not. I didn’t like if he talked by phone while he was driving, it was dangerous. So I register my hunk’s name. And it was so glad to get info where he was, although the notification wasn’t really accurate. The map that operator sent me showed that my hunk was in K Road. I called my hunk and he said that he was having breakfast at home in L Street, and the L Street was the branch of K Road. That’s silly, the phone’s BTS tower seemed not able to track the area that specifically. And by the way, the SMS notification from the operator charged me about IDR 1000. While if I text my hunk to ask, I just needed to pay IDR 120. It was so overpaid only for satisfying curiosity. I think this technology makes our life was more comfy. But immediately I aware about its big loss, it’s separating interpersonal relationship. Actually, I phone my hunk not to find out where he is. It doesn’t matter for me whether he’s in mall, he’s at home, or he’s drinking egg tea with his partner, it doesn’t make difference to me. I ring him coz I wanna listen to his voice. His voice is entertaining and it relaxes me to notice that he’s fine. When I text him to ask him where he is, it just covers my expression that actually I miss him. I just wanna tell him that in this big big world, there’s someone who cares about him. And waiting my phone vibrated by his reply text is a romantic sensation which nothing compares to it. And I hate, if this friend tracking technology by phone circumcises the sensation. I won’t use the technology too much. If I have desire, I will phone, text, or mail, or anything, and I don’t wanna use robot to find out where he is. And I don’t wish anybody except my hunk requests to track me. Coz, in the world where anybody else can find us out easily, I still wanna have a space for myself. My audiences here believe that this feature is absolutely nonsense.

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