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Ilmu Sosbud

Controversy Over the Increase in Higher Education Fees in Indonesia: From Student Protests to Policy Cancellation by Government

4 Juni 2024   20:26 Diperbarui: 4 Juni 2024   20:45 40
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The increase in Single Tuition Fees (UKT) and (IPI) that occurred in universities in Indonesia has become a controversial content. Students across the country feel strange about this, it has sparked a wave of protests and demands for fairer policies. In this review, we will look at how this increase began, the reaction of students to this policy, views on universities as tertiary education, and finally, the cancellation of the increase by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

The increase in UKT and IPI was announced amidst an already difficult economic situation for many families. This increase in UKT accompanies the stipulation of Permendikbudristek Number 2 of 2024, concerning the Standard Unit of Operational Costs for Higher Education (SSBOPT). This regulation is used as the basis for increasing the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for State Universities (PTN) and PTN Legal Entities (PTN-BH). The government argues that education costs must be borne by students, to maintain the quality and operation of universities. However, many students feel burdened by the increasing cost burden. They feel that higher education is a right that should be accessible to all levels of society, not just those who are financially able.

Students from various universities in Indonesia held massive demonstrations. They demanded a reduction in the UKT and the abolition of the IPI which was considered burdensome. This protest action received widespread attention, both from the media and the general public, showing solidarity between students in fighting for their rights.

As students, the increase in UKT and IPI is felt to be burdensome. Many students even have to work to cover tuition fees and daily living expenses. This increase in costs can increase the financial burden on families, and this can also increase psychological pressure on families and prospective students who want to go to college. The government's argument that higher education is tertiary education and not mandatory may be true in theory, but in practice, graduating from higher education is one of the keys to opening up better job opportunities, although not all graduates get good jobs, at least it can provide more critical thinking and a brighter future.

The protests carried out by students are a real form of disappointment and dissatisfaction with government policies. The demonstrations that we do as students are not only about rejecting the increase in fees, but we must also demand justice and accessibility of education for everyone. Finally, after pressure from various parties, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, decided to cancel the increase in UKT and IPI. The reason for canceling UKT in universities is after hearing the aspirations of students, families and the community. So, last week, the Ministry of Education and Culture coordinated again with the Chancellors to discuss the plan to cancel this UKT increase. However, we as students must always monitor the progress of this government, because we do not know what other policies will burden the community.

The increase in UKT and IPI in Indonesian higher education has highlighted fundamental problems in our education system. There is an urgent need to find more sustainable and inclusive solutions to funding higher education. The government needs to listen to students from the start and involve them in the decision-making process. Higher education must remain affordable and accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic background. Students, on the other hand, must continue to fight for their rights and actively participate in policy dialogues to ensure that education remains a tool for achieving progress and shared prosperity.

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