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Lamis Esmatt
Lamis Esmatt Mohon Tunggu... Guru - My name is Lamis i graduated from Alazhar got Master's Degree from there too now am studying S2 in Muhammadiyah Malang

I love reading riding horses playing tennis and swimming and love to write i enjoy life here in Indonesia whilst am studying like having a lot of books around so i can read as much as i can




Concepts, Principles and Theories of Learning

9 Januari 2023   11:38 Diperbarui: 9 Januari 2023   11:39 343
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2. Learning is related to the procedural Behavioristic that we want to build. 

3. Learning is built with support and performance reinforcement that is close to Behavioristic.

- Behavioristic theory and its development   

Boerhaus Friedrich Skinner's ideas and his thesis brought about several changes in educational and pedagogical thinking in general. Skinner considers that the child in classical pedagogy is learning to avoid punishment, in the absence of any form of support. But it should be noted that behaviorism as a school of psychology emerged in 1913 AD in America by "Watson", who moved from animal psychology to the field of child psychology; This is by no means that he founded this school from a vacuum or by individual effort, on the contrary, other scholars preceded him in that, as he himself announced in AD 1912 that the behaviorists concluded "that they could not yet be persuaded to work on ---the intangible and the mysterious, and they have decided one way or the other; either they leave psychology or they turn it into natural science." And so Watson acknowledged with the efforts of his predecessors, and announced their firm decision, which was nothing more than one of two options; As for the introduction of psychology in the natural sciences, and thus they insisted on making the subject of this science measurable, so they focused on " Behavioristic" as a subject of science rather than the intangible "soul" and "soul", and chose the scientific method studying Behavioristic.

- Apply behavioristic theory in Education

Gagasan Skinner tentang pembelajaran terprogram adalah menempatkan siswa kelas di depan kesempatan yang sama dan memindahkan mereka dari topik yang diketahui ke topik yang tidak diketahui. Ia menemukan bahwa sarana untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah sistem pendidikan; Ini memberi siswa apa yang disediakan kotak untuk tikus atau merpati dengan memberinya program yang berisi pelajaran lama dan baru. Dalam situasi ini, siswa hanya perlu menekan tombol tertentu agar materi pendidikan (latihan, kalimat, pertanyaan ...) muncul di layar, Kemudian minta dia untuk memecahkan atau menjawabnya. Dan untuk mengetahui apakah hasil pekerjaannya benar atau salah, ia harus menekan tombol yang ditunjuk untuk itu. Kesepakatan jawaban yang muncul di layar sistem pendidikan dan jawaban siswa dianggap penguatan. Sedangkan ketidaksepakatan di antara mereka adalah kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengenali kesalahannya dan menghindarinya pada upaya kedua.

- Differences between Cognitive and Behavioristic theories:

1. Both the Behavioristic school and the Cognitive school belong to psychology and are considered as its offshoots, and both deal with the behavioristic study of human beings, and each tries to reach the hidden dimensions that compose and control that behaviorism, and discover the reasons that motivate individuals to do something certain behavioristic that makes the two streams separate from one another.

2. The Behavioristic school differs in its view of the underlying behavioristic causes of cognitive theory. Behaviorism deals with individuals and their actions based on the fact that this behavioristic is the result of external influences that cause certain actions or words to be done, and since then behavioristic psychologists believe in the importance of external influences and their impacts, Pavlov added. There are two ways to build adaptive behaviorism, the first is the classical adaptation, which is based on repetitive practice, and the second is the effective adaptation, which is based on rewards and punishments. 

3. Meanwhile, cognitive psychology believes that Behavioristic causes are primarily the mental processes that the mind performs in interpreting, analyzing, solving problems and understanding different situations. Cognitive is the idea that concepts and perceptions are what distinguish human beings from other creatures. based on certain mental processes that follow logical thinking, memory processors, and ideas that stimulate him positively or negatively.

- Difference between Constructivist theory and Behavioristic theory

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