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Lamis Esmatt
Lamis Esmatt Mohon Tunggu... Guru - My name is Lamis i graduated from Alazhar got Master's Degree from there too now am studying S2 in Muhammadiyah Malang

I love reading riding horses playing tennis and swimming and love to write i enjoy life here in Indonesia whilst am studying like having a lot of books around so i can read as much as i can




Concepts, Principles and Theories of Learning

9 Januari 2023   11:38 Diperbarui: 9 Januari 2023   11:39 343
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5. Helping individuals learn quickly The application of cognitive learning theory through experiential learning provides many opportunities to speed up the process of assimilation, understanding and acceptance, which makes the learner more responsive and able to collect, analyze and interpret information, through the use of the same successful methods that have previously been tried by individual minds, and also store new information in the way previous memories are held. 

6. Allows the learner to form concepts The most important element of cognitive learning theory is to enable the learner to visualize, especially those concepts that have specific images in mind, and which require the use of imagination with perception, understanding, analysis and interpretation.

- Definition and Explanation of Constructivist Theory - Constructivist learning theory:- 

Contrary to what happened in the past, modern theories say that actual learning will not be based on what the learner has heard, even if he or she memorizes it and repeats it in front of the teacher. information and not necessarily what the teacher wants, so the teacher's preoccupation with sending information to students, confirming and repeating it will not be useful in building the information he wants in the minds of students. Teachers can maximize a significant impact on learning when students' formative data on assessment activities go well (Wilson, 2017). Constructivism views learning as a process, the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based on knowledge possessed in the past or existed at that time and can be said to involve the construction of one's knowledge from one's own experience by oneself (Nur Aziza, 2018). According to constructivist theory students must interact with meaningful activities because of previous experiences (Adam et al., 2021).

- Historical roots of constructivist theory:

Constructivism as an epistemology is founded on the premise that people build knowledge, skills, and attitudes through experience so that knowledge cannot simply be transmitted from one person to another, new knowledge is built on the foundation of prior knowledge and personal life experiences as a result of targeted activities in situations certain (Tafrova-Grigorova et al., 2012). Constructivism is a learning theory that argues that students actively construct knowledge and make meaning, based on their experiences, individually or socially (Narayan, 2013). Constructivist theory has gained great popularity in recent years, although the ideas are not modern, as the trend towards constructivism can be observed through the works of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (from 320-470 BC), all of whom speak of "the formation of knowledge". As for Saint Augustin (mid 300 AD), he said: "We must rely on sensory experience when one seeks truth", and although the main philosophy of Constructivism is attributed to Jean Piaget (1986 - 1980), however, Pestalozzi (1746-1827) came with results the same over a century ago, when he emphasized the need for educational methods depending on the natural development of children and on their feelings and feelings, and their lives in their homes and families. environment. Thus, we can say that constructivism is a long-standing theory of knowledge that extends over centuries, and it is not strange to see this repeated by several philosophers and theorists throughout history, while it remains the only modern theorist trying to combined several of these ideas into an integrated and comprehensive theory - which later formed the foundation of modern developmental psychology - Jean Piaget, who brought together philosophy and psychology to turn people's attention to the interests of the child's thinking and intelligence and paved the way for new outlooks and organizations in the field of education and psychology.

- Concept of constructivist theory

 The active role that the learner takes in constructivist learning contrasts sharply with the learning role which is the passive transmission of information from one individual to another. Constructivism is a theory that presupposes that knowledge must be constructed by someone, not just transmitted to that person. Piaget's cognitive views on constructivism and object learning models in theory put forward characteristics that essentially support limitless learning contexts (Voon et al., 2020). Constructivism theory states that learning is non-linear, recursive, continuous, complex and relational (Kumari, V., 2014). Constructivists believe that learning is influenced by the context in which an idea is taught (Bada&Steve O., 2016). Constructivist learning, student-centered and experiential approach as much as possible (Abdulwahed, 2015). At the heart of constructivism is the view that we learn most naturally through active learning (Dewy, 2009). The word constructivism comes from construction or structure, which comes from the Latin word sturere which means the way a building is erected and can be defined as "a vision in the theory of learning and child development, that children are active in building themselves. patterns of thinking as a result of the interaction of innate abilities with experience. Constructivism, in its simplest form and its clearest implications, states that knowledge is actively constructed by the learner and not passively received by the environment. 

- The foundations and principles of learning in constructivist theory   

The individual constructs knowledge in his mind and is not transferred to it in full. Individuals interpret what they receive and construct meaning based on the information they have. The society in which individuals live has a major impact on building knowledge. Learning is inseparable from the development of the relationship between subject and object. Inference is a condition for constructing concepts: concepts are built only on the basis of inferential conclusions which derive their material from verb schemas.

- Mistakes are a condition of learning

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