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Analytical Exposition Text (Kelas XI)

23 Agustus 2021   08:37 Diperbarui: 23 Agustus 2021   08:41 8119
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1. Definition of Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer's topic or idea critically about one side of a phenomenon or situation. 

The definition of analytical exposition text can be derived linguistically, "analytical" means, "examining or liking to examine things very carefully", while the meaning of exposition is "a comprehensive description" or a broad explanation. 

This text is included in argumentative text because it shows an opinion (argument) against something. Its social function is to convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss.

2. Social Function of Analytical Exposition Text

* Persuading the reader to believe that the topic or idea is an important matter to be discussed by supporting the arguments that support the topic.

* To persuade the reader to look at an issue with your perspective.

3. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

  • Thesis

The writer informs the reader about the main topic he is going to write about. The thesis can usually be found in the first paragraph of the text. In this section, readers can also see why the author gives an opinion on the topic.

  • Argument

The author will write some opinions to support the main topic that has been presented previously. Usually, in analytical exposition there are more than two arguments. The more arguments presented, the more readers will believe that the topic discussed is an important topic or requires attention.

  • Reiteration/Conclution

This part is always located at the end of the text and becomes the closing paragraph of the article. Reiteration contains a                              reaffirmation of the author's position and opinion.

4. Language Features of Analytical Exposition Text

  • Using simple present tense
  • Using relational process
  • Using internal conjunction to state the argument
  • Words that express writer's feeling or idea
  • Using casual conjunction
  • Using Descriptive persuasive word to emphasize your viewpoint.
  • Using mental verbs
  • Using saying verbs
  • Using connecting words
  • Using evidence and fact to back up the generalizations

          Analytical Exposition has its characteristics, especially in terms of grammar, vocabulary, and expressions


Online learning degrades the quality of students in obtaining an education. Many students do not optimally absorb the knowledge being studied, therefore they tend to be less enthusiastic in learning. This situation causes students to be less concerned with the learning process, ignoring the assigned tasks, and doing other things such as playing games or activities that have nothing to do with learning. Moreover, character education is not carried out maximally because of the limited distance and time.

Firstly, around 70% of students stated that the quality of their learning was far below the standard they experienced when learning face-to-face. The data was taken from Kaltim Post, one of the popular newspapers in Kalimantan Timur said the decline of learning quality after covid 19 pandemic happens. The students got a lower scores for some subjects because of a lack of understanding of what the teachers carried the material.

Secondly, based on a survey released in January 2021, the tendency of students to play games during active learning hours or at night until dawn rose to 80% from the previous only 50%. They tend to play online game with their friends, ignore the tasks that given by teachers, always close camera if there is video conference while playing game with their friends.

Moreover, most educators are overwhelmed in ensuring that character education can run because of the limited conditions of encounter with students and the access that allows for dialogical communication is not to run properly. In fact, beside the limited distance and time with the students, there is such hard thing to build a proper counseling with those problem as mentioned.

Concerning to some points above, the online teaching and learning process really reduces the achievement of educational standards that should be obtained by students.

Answer the questions carefully!

  • What is the communicative purpose of the text?
  • What is the point of paragraph 2?
  • State some arguments delivered based on the text!
  • Which one is the strongest argument and why?
  • Explain with your own words what will be happened if the online learning keeps on as our choice in future.

Good Luck!

  1. 1
  2. 2
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