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What Does The Theology of Religions Mean?

25 Maret 2021   20:58 Diperbarui: 25 Maret 2021   21:30 115
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Pluralist Position

Christ is one revelation among many different and equally important revelations. The religions can learn about the divine reality from the other religions, from those who are different believe. So, Jesus is only the one way among so many ways to the salvation.

There three kinds of pluralist position in the track of Theology of Religions. First is unitary pluralist. It means that, there is only one the divine reality (God). Our religions are only the tool or manner to expect the divine reality.

Second, pluriform pluralist. It means that the divine reality is plural or the are so many divine reality (on Buddhism, Hinduism, Christians or Muslim). All religion are, or can be different ways toward divine realities that are different too. People will not push to expect the divine reality of the divine reality itself. It's like those who want to climb the mount Himalaya. People will not push to climb till mount Everest, because there are so many top high mountain besides Everest. Buddha says, "Human being was not created by something. Human being are being by the natural law." For Buddhism, the divine reality is not nibbana -- but it's something beyond nibbana. 

Third, Ethical pluralist. It means that all the religions are connected to the Divine, as far as they have ethical values and practices. Religions will we understood by the good actions of the followers. But, the problem is found here. 

So, the questions is who is or what kind of religions or culture that will be the best example for all ethics values? Islam, Christians, Buddhism or Hinduism? These religions have own tradition and have different perspective or point of view about ethics and values. So, the parameter of values is not clear. For example: Caste system in India is good for Indians, but not for Moral Teaching of the Church; or the case of LGBT, sky burial in Tibet, and so on.

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