Malang Regency - The Pakisjajar Village UM KKN team through the waste counseling work program seeks to strengthen waste management in Pakisjajar Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency. Located at Bu Pik'ati's house, Mr. Triyono as the representative of the Village Head in his speech said that waste management is one of the main concentrations of the village government program. The waste reduction and landfilling program is always encouraged by the Pakisjajar village government (20/7).
The work program of the UM KKN Team started strengthening waste management in Pakisjajar village with various series of activities starting with counseling on waste sorting, waste bank management, the importance of 3R, and waste management training.The idea of waste management came from KKN students who saw a lot of waste that had not been managed properly in Pakisjajar village, mainly plastic waste. In the early stages, the KKN Team collaborated with the village government to sort the waste before it was finally sent to the TPA. The strengthening of waste management is continued on waste bank management with the aim of providing education about waste that can be recycled and has economic value.
The next stage is the community service team introduces the importance of 3R in managing waste. Reuse means reusing waste that can still be used for the same function or other functions. Reduce means reducing everything that causes waste or creates non-biodegradable waste. Recycle means reprocessing (recycling) waste into useful new goods or products. managing waste with the 3R concept (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere, and at no cost.
The strengthening of waste management ends with waste management training. Waste management training was carried out by introducing tools to recycle waste into oil that can be used as fuel.
The Pakisjajar Village Community Community Service Team hopes that this series of waste management activities can improve the skills and awareness of the Pakisjajar village community in managing waste in the environment.
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