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Candy Boy and Pineapple Candy

13 Maret 2023   14:22 Diperbarui: 19 Maret 2023   08:49 58
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Once upon a time, in a small town in Pemalang, Central Java, there was a little boy named Hafid. He was the son of a teacher who advised his son every day. Hafid was a little boy who loved candy more than anything in the world. He would save his pocket money just to buy a bag of candy every week. One day, while walking through the local market, he saw a sleepy-looking old lady behind her ware shop. Feeling compassion and curiosity, he finally tried to approach that old lady. And it turned out that the old lady was selling a new candy that he had never seen before, namely pineapple candy. The aroma of the candy was very strong and has a sweet fragrance that pierces the nose.

Intrigued by the gold color and sweet aroma, Hafid bought a pack of pineapple candies and excitedly opened the wrapper. As he stuffed the candy into his mouth, he was surprised by its tangy and refreshing taste. From that day on, pineapple candy became his nefavoritete treat.

However, Hafid soon realized that not everyone liked pineapple candy. Every time he offered the pineapple candy to his friends, they would always refuse because the taste bothered theitonguesue. His friends would tease him and called him names, saying he had odd tastes. He began to feel self-conscious and began to keep his love of pineapple candy a secret.

One day after school, while sitting alone in the park, Hafid met a little girl who was crying. She had lost her little cat and was feeling very sad. Seeing the little girl crying, He offered her a pack of pineapple candy to cheer her up. When she tasted the candy, her face beamed with joy and she directly thanked Hafid for being so kind. Unlike his friends, the girl that he just met likes candy. 

Over time, Hafid and the little girl became good friends, bonding over their love of pineapple candy. He realized that it's okay to be different and that sometimes, being different can bring happiness to others.

Then, Hafid had never been shy about his love for pineapple candy. Instead, he embraced it and shared it with others, spreading joy and happiness wherever he went.

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