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Fermentation Process: Making Cassava Tape Fermentation

6 Januari 2024   11:56 Diperbarui: 6 Januari 2024   12:14 965 0
Indonesia is famous for its abundance of agricultural products such as spices and cassava. Indonesia is also famous for its many special foods in each region, which are called traditional foods. Some traditional foods are processed in various ways, including fermentation. Cassava tape is a fermented food made from cassava that is popular in Indonesia. Cassava is a plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia and is used as a source of carbohydrates and energy. Tape is produced through a fermentation process involving microorganisms like yeast, fungi, and bacteria. The starter culture used has a round, flat shape. Locals use terms like "ragi tape" or "yeast tape" to refer to it. Fermentation produces alcohols like ethanol from the cassava starch, giving tape its slightly alcoholic taste. The quality of tape depends on the raw cassava, production method, and microbes involved.


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